Let’s Discuss the Meta Changes

War Thunder having historical accuracy is a laugh

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I kind of don’t like this “battle rating” because I like having sandbox chaos. It’s pretty cool seeing the occasional Stuart or Tiger or whatever. I’m kind of leaning towards they should just have every single thing available for each faction and let the carnival begin.

But they should have multiple pre sets and load outs we can make for different battles or periods so we can customize our appearance/ weapons beforehand. So if I get thrown in Berlin my Squads will be X, Normandy Y, etc

I like to play certainly games immersively, however I know sometimes that becomes muddy so I work with whatever I can get. For example, when I play games like Battlefield I only use a faction’s specific gear. Do I know practically every other player is going to be running around with who knows what, yes. However it doesn’t bother me because I only care about my personal immersion.

missing the part t-26s were in berlin.

muh historical accuracy.


OK, fair enough.
I wonder where they collected this data but I guess we will never know.


probably from their own service
what people use
what people purchase
what people have on their squads
etc etc

easy to do data, when you own the product. but the historical people was once stated in the past that they were a minority. like year ago or so .

Luftwaffe existing in any real operational capacity in Normandy and Berlin

Yeah, we entered the realm of fiction a long time ago. Don’t know why people are so upset about the shift.


I wonder if the system will allow us to save different presets for each faction. If so, we could save “early” and “late” setups separately.


As someone who doesn’t mind farming bots, I’m kinda afraid that using high level equipment will become less fun and more frustrating, since that will necessarily mean facing only veteran players.


This is only for concept, I agree even Realistic Battle of War Thunder is less historical accurate than the system they are planning.

I don’t get it, I realized the campaign splitting is a issue but why not have people be able to queue to say only Normandy maps as US or only Tunisia, that way the grind is still unified. People can still queue for any map if they want but people who really want just Normandy can just only queue for that. Kind of like the join any team checkbox, something optional.


Oh ja. This lovely message was probably best entertainment for the week.
Lets trust the same guy here who justified the SA rof nerf with “data”, which made no sense and nether bothered to show us.



we did propose a loadout system so people have diferent options for the mood they feel during they playtime . so one doesnt have to change stuff every single batle.


I’d say this is not representative. I have meny not historical squads myself but this doesn’t mean I want IS vs tiger in moscow.

But well. Decision was made.

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Obviously casuals will equip AK-47s and T-90s if you sell them with good stats.
That’s “clueless”, not “conscious majority”



still minority . you can argue all you want in bad faith. the official statement was presented by a team member. in this case keo.

If “source trust me bro” is enough… wow…

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I am surprised at all the people saying that this game was ever historically accurate. I saw it as an arcade game from the start

keep arguin in bad faith. it will get you far.

Cool. Still arbitrary.

T-26 in Berlin source?

Sorry that I want more than just words from guys who are not transparent and made horrible decisions in the past.

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