Let’s Discuss the Meta Changes

kys major !!!



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Lack of alternstives and entertainment.

The problem with equipment BR rating is that most people like to use whatever the most powerful thing is. Most players that have already maxed Berlin and Normandy in the current version of Enlisted for example are just going to end mostly queing Berlin and Normandy in the new version of Enlisted. And when they aren’t queuing Berlin or Normandy its because the MM has sent them to early campaigns, so IS2 in Moscow. I personally would rather not see that, though balance wise its ok because maybe a german will have a Tiger with them to counter them. But the Japs will have great difficulty countering P47s and Jumbos in the event that they go up against US players with that gear.

And when it comes to new players, most of them are going to want to grind for the highest power stuff and eventually become the same people that are mostly queueing only Berlin and Normandy, while also being thrown into the “occasional” (it will eventually become commonplace) early war battles with their late war gear.

And what happens to people that like to use VG 2, VG 5, Kriegelsmodel Kar? Will they rarely get Berlin matches because the BR level of those weapons is too low?

My suggestion is for each squad to have a seperate loadout for each campaign they can be thrown into, loadouts the player would set up themselves with some equiptment restrictions based on which campaign the loadout is for. This way there will only be a single type of queue, a faction based queue. And this way players can still use all the gear they unlock, just in the appropriate loadouts.

This way you save some level of historical accuracy, you unite the entire playerbase of a faction, and you save the unique feel of the campaigns.


understandable. still fun game .

AMEN. :pray:

Keo already answer they wont. and will never happen prety much

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Arbitrary statement. We need an ingame poll or something for that.

I would wager most people who launch a WW2 game expect WW2 content.
(Me 262 over Moscow is not “WW2 content”).

Why not? Tutti Frutti crowd will progress in customs and buy premium squads to fight in customs.

(unless you obviously know that customs are not a fair solution)


Ain’t different assaulter squads will have higher star rating so you would be placed in higher BR/MMR even if you equip weaker guns?

how is arbitrary if it comes for the person that has access to the data and what people use or purchase in their own game?

is your word more valid than the person that owns the data?

If you don’t want to run into those high tier weapons, equip low/mid BR weapons/equipment and run into low/mid BR weapons.

I am hoping they add loadouts so you can setup a squad w/ say 3 different weapon setups, then you select which one you want to be active before you queue and that will determine your BR. I would like to so some bolt action games/semi+smg/select fire+assualt rifles without having to manually setup my squads each and every time.

I also like the concept (mostly AI) and the campaign design. I made it clear enough that my main issue with the historical inaccurcies is the cause… level of laziness. The system could work if the devs would just copy+paste so much. Sg could be much better with Romanian and Hungarians which at this point should be easy to add. I dont really only want not Tigers in Moscow because its wrong, but becaus why even play a different campaign if they are almlst the same?
Instead of giving up why not just make it better. We used to have populated Moscow, Berlin and Normandy and somehow Tunisia existed so it should work.

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Do you planning to remove multiple same type squads ?
Like if we playing germany they have 5 i infantry squad in total and it is great think.
Every one of my squad in different campaigns have their different loadouts, weapons, set ups according to campaign. Like some of them have snipers some have at soldiers. I really dont want to start from scratch at all. Also we will have combined arsenal per faction. Maybe i dont want to use kiraly for some my infantry squads but just want to give them different semi for different experience.
Are you planning to decrease all squads to generic calss 1 2 3 for all campaigns ?
please dont do this
like we will be able to have whole repertoir of guns and vehicles, give us chance to unlock and grind multiple same type of squads by grind. I will girnd them with pleasure.

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I don’t see anywhere in the OP by Keo anything related to player population.
But maybe I missed it. I just scaned it quickly with my eyes.


While we are discussing “Meta changes,” has any thought been given towards maybe reworking what class some weapons belong to? Perhaps reworking automatic rifles into assaulter and/or LMG squad weapons?

Idk, it’s a part of my question :thinking:

The T-26 was indeed involved in the war against Japan in the Far East in 1945.
You can assume that in the game, those soldiers who were not drawn to support the front and stayed behind in the Far East were called and teleported to Berlin by their motherland

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Keo just wants the game not to die, and the playerbase is so thin as a result of the development/progression model chosen that anything but “put them all together” is a hurdle.

But again, I would be ready to bet that if you put a giant banner in home screen “Do you want the game to stick to WW2 or King Tigers in Moscow”, the former option would win by a landslide. Speaking of “niche groups”.
Remember we here are only ~50 people circle liking each other.


Yeah like War Thunder did that. I believe the advantages of attracting more player by giving a historical accurate mode as option outweigh the splitting of players.



alow me.


I DO like this new direction.

Enlisted is already not too historically accurate. When we fight in Moscow with full squads of Mkb vs Fedorovs it’s not a historically accurate depiction of that battle, isn’t it? And without this important decision that you are moving to, every single campaign will end up like that: with matches full of meta-squads with OP weapons that have nothing in common with historical accuracy. We need these changes.