Let’s Discuss the Meta Changes

There would still be seperate queues though, people with high rated gear would mostly be seperated from people with low rated gear (in theory atleast)

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And that is a bad thing?

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OK. Good for them…

The above proposed still applies and can fill the historical accuracy gap people want.

Untill then, we wait.

If the whole reason for shelving the current system for unity and shorter queues, then yea. There’s also the issue of low BRs getting to go against high BRs.

How do you know that? Because the devs say so? You think they’d come and say that they make decisions which wre unpopular with the majority :joy:

You can go and read the top threads on the reddit MM & progression announcement post: they all pretty much raise the same points as concerns (many specifically about lack of historical accuracy) that have been raised here.

It’s the same queue. But will filter people inside it.

Yes its bad because it just continues the current problem of split queues. I think the best thing is to have is a faction based queue with no weapon power level rating sytem.

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Only if there is not enough of Low tier or high tier players, and there will be more players that will be able to play together, because they are not gonna be spread to 3 different campaigns.

But how? There will be players from 3 different campaigns with high-end weapons, they will all play together because they have same level of weapons. There will be enough players for high-end weapons, lot of players already use them, but now all of them will be in same battle, unlike where you have 4 campaigns as Germany, and all those players are split in those campaigns, after change, they will all play together.

ONLY when there is not enough players, you realise there is enough players to fill those high-end games right? And if not at start, then with time there will be. Tech trees will atract new players, much more than niche campaigns we have now. If i would start playing this game today and not 2 years ago, i would just uninstal it after few battles because game right now is just toxic against new players.


Which is one of the worries that there could be times where squads with Moscow equipment goes against Berlin or Stalingrad equipment.

Something necessary in the end for allow some fairness for new or bad player skill or not high-end player like me tend to abuse too much the firepower they can bring aganaist people with Ba and semi because we can

Is not good if you are trying to get new player to milk let them stomped already from battle n1°

For example usually the first thing i do in D-DAY as german is go on the hill with the tiger and sheell the beach with 88mm HE round for the all battle

That can and will happen. Kinda.
But, hopefully not many times during a lifetime

But Again, there will be no campaigns.

Just factions

Soviets vs Germans.

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Why wouldn’t it. Most endgame players will stick with the meta. The meta will be the last weapons unlocked in the tree. If people don’t care about accuracy like you said, chances are they won’t equip older weapons. So the only people who will have the low-tier weapons would be new players, who can be ok or just complete noobs and make it difficult to play with, or people who purposefully set their equipment like that. Mid-tier equipment won’t be common since it would become transitionary from early to late. So the people with late-war gear will pair with possibly sweaty people with late-war gear, and early-war gear will be stuck with new or bad players.

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Idk whats this is supposed to prove ? If I go to vegan forums I most likely find majority of vegans, that doesnt magically apply as majority of planet are vegans ?

Quite obviously a change that doesnt please certain players draws them to related topic to discuss about it.

Because there will be no campaigns no more.

Just factions.

And maps that are nowhere linked to nothing besides giving a feel of ww2 or a feel of a batle

So endgame VS Moscow won’t happen.

As for 1 guy with lower guns get faced against stg? Hopefully will be super rare.

I don’t think its necessary at all. If the queues are completey combined by faction then you would be getting matches that would come from a very mixed player base. You would have noobs, regulars, vets, high levels, low levels all mixed together. Sure some matches will still end up being one sided, but I think they would atleast be more balanced than currently. Currently every campaign basically has one side that “high level” players flock to so they can farm the other side

That doesn’t address my point that this will just boil down to late-war players sweating against late-war players. There being a sparse amount of mid-war players due to it becoming a transitionary stage, and early-war being new or bad players. So even if you do get paired with people with equal gear, that is what to expect. Probably hard to find mid-war gear players. Sweaty late-war, and noob early-war.

We will have to wait and see the equipments and what we can do with our squads.

Then we can judge that.

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That’s great. So in reddit enlisted forum you likely find enlisted players. Who seem to have concerns, while “blah blah we are the majority” is just accepted here with 0 proof.

Sorry if you can’t handle contrary data points.

That has nothing to do solely with the equipment, it has to do with the way matchmaking would work. They say it’s based on the BR system of the gear. Higher BR means more played. Most people stick with meta, new nation tech trees make highest BR the meta.

Edit: Sorry, i’m tired. You’re right that it deals with the equipment. Didn’t want to rewrite all that.

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Then people with low gear will be faced against low gear people. I don’t get the problem?

A rare (hopefully) occurrence that a low gear guy will get into a high gear player?
That will always happen,hopefully rarely, and would happen on customs, on historical batles and so on