Let’s Discuss the Meta Changes

You’re misunderstanding me. I’m saying that the squads will have loadout presets that are dependent on which map/campaign you load into. There will be literally no split.

This solution gets my vote as well. No BR rating please.

There is another (controversial solution) that ParaDivision touched on - just have generic maps that could be early war or late war. Example: Kamenka River. It could be used as an early war map (Germans attacking Russia) or a late war map (Germans retreating from Russia). So equipment dates are irrelevant.

There are plenty of maps we all enjoy that are generic already (Fortified District, Oasis etc) so why not just have all of them like this. It would solve so many issues. Plenty of the playerbase probably has no clue what Berlin or Moscow actually looked like anyway.

I understand it would be controversial to remove iconic landmarks that have been painstakingly recreated but you could just take a chunk of Tractor Factory, call it “Russian factory” or something like that and use your imagination (and your Tiger E).

And the devs have already showed they are willing to throw a fair amount of historical accuracy out of the window, so the generic map idea would not be much more controversial than what they are proposing now.

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What if you are thrown in campaign you dont want to play, with squads you dont want to play? You want for players to play campaigns they dont like, just because you like it?
For example, you have chose all, but you get Moscow you dont want to play? What is sollution here? And i talk about campaings. I dont talk about that you are gonna be on Moscow map, i talk about campaing as a whole.

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The dev point is unify the playerbase, i think people already said it

THIS MAKE more hard the job of the matchmaking to make battle full of player

Developers opted for a simple way, accept it the eula grant them this freedom

The only good suggestions here is the one of @VonuhLikesCake who i hope is passed to the dev in this dumpster


It was aleady answered it would just strain MM with no real benefit than to appeal to maybe 1/10 of playerbase.

Or why not put Historical battles in Custom? Why historical accuracy has to be main mod?



A suggestion that i’ve also tried to bring awareness out. You’re not translating some things right.

Give official servers then. If we have to be pushed out of the main game into a subsect of the game to cater to a certain group of players who’re trying to disparage another, then the least they can do is provide official servers that are permanent and play similar to how they currently do.


Exactly, because the game is still in beta dev tryed the realistc way, dev dont liked it and now they are trying the arcade one

No im sure not, your suggestion and @VonuhLikesCake are totally different your is overcomplexed the one of @VonuhLikesCake is simple and easy to apply

I’ve seen the thread they made.

You still dont get you are in a minority here? Most of players just want to play game with WW2 guns that do pew pew.

If you want historical accuracy, join some ARMA clan, and do WW2 reenactment. This is ACRADE FPS.

This game is not historical accurate for 2+ years, and you know it isnt, but still fight for something that was never here.

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Bro is advocating for predatory corporate practice, shill more. Just because something is legal doesn’t make it ethical.

And they still get to shoot guns with a more accurate setting?


Im sure the videogame industry as every other one care about the ethic, lol

Even setting aside the desire to retain “historical accuracy” the devs current proposal doesn’t work because it doesn’t solve the number 1 fundamental problem of the current sytem, which is the splitting of queues.


Thst I wouldn’t mind and was proposed by another person and me.

Have a server inside customs tab for historical accurate seekers.

Or/and weekly based rooms that have costumised settings - disable x weapon or gear

And or, room like even event where squads are pre-made with gear related to the map era.

And keep the arcade game on normal queue
0 issues with that.


You ever tried moscow and its well done balance ?

Most older FPS games have server browsers. Like with Rising Storm 2. They could allow for persistent servers to be made.

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But it does? If there are 3 players across 3 campaigns with same MP 40, now they will be together in battle, previously all of them would have to wait for more players, but now battle can be started earlier and it will actually do more battles with players.