Let’s Discuss the Meta Changes

The playerbase is actually divided in ( 6 campaigns x 2 opposing sides) x 3 servers = 36 which is just too much.

2 sides on a single campaign is still 1 queue.

but yes, fair point.

No, it’s fun, very

So you’re ok with Enlisted losing a big percent of it’s already existing playerbase that stuck around for years just for the game to try and attract the Call of Duty, Battlefield and Heroes and Generals communities because the game wont be as grindy as it is now? Fine by me. While they’re at it they can release more female soldiers for all nations, remove the restriction for every nation to start with their own weapons and release colourful skins. I hear the CoD and Battlefield communities love this kind of content.


Yes, I see many matches where one side is complety empty of human players and filled with just bots. So theoretically 36 parts need to be covered equally with human players to have a decent balance.

I get your point. And generally I’d be on board.

But there’s one thing I cannot forgive them:

All of those campaigns, with unique flair, and unique squads, history going with it…

Was until very recently THEIR SELLING POINT. It’s literally what they used to gather new audience. I believe you can still see adds in Youtube: “Come fight in the historical battle of Stalingrad! With historical vehicles and squads, along the first ever all female squad, the re-creation of unique iconic landmarks and battlefields blahblahblah”

The game, even thought had minor to medium chronological disorders with weaponry, BRAGGED about it’s historical identity, it was one of it’s strong suit.

You really felt like a Stalingrad defender when you chose so. Or a valiant Canadian (eh) assaulting the beaches. Or a Japanese fanatic zealot fighting to the death.

Campaigns had flair. They all used historical squads, each with summary description of where and how they served.

But all of this might still be forgiveable…

Exept all the premium stuff they sold using the historical label!

Do you think ppl would care to buy a historic Volksturm premium squad to larp… in random maps? Worse… DESERT Moroccan warriors… in Pacific??? Tobruk Italian Kingdom soldiers… In Moscow?

Yes I feel they will lose a lot of their identity doing so. For a gain that is not even assured. I believe there are better ways to keep this unique flair, while also progression with a new system.

This draft suggestion however, is not among the solutions.


i’m always in EU/EE que, both those servers are identical to me

Sorry for running out of “like” count today. Do you know an account can only click limited number of “like” every day?

exactly… game has big problem with balance where veterans with high end weapons just abuse newbies with low end weapons, but for some people historical accuracy is more important than game balance. it is either “i liked variety” (while driving tiger in normandy and killing newbies stuarts), or “i cant deal with seeing tiger 2 in moscow”… but those people have no problem when they are dealing with t60 with their f2.

i find that lack of game balance is more fatal for game than lack of total historical accuracy. games need some balance and finally devs want to fix several problems that plagued enlisted since beginning (well since they started adding new campaigns and 20-25+ levels). but i guess it is more important to have historical PVE game without players cause newbie retention is shit cause of impossible grind and veteran players sealclubbing.

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if its for the future of the game.

yes. more than happy. i m part of that “veteran” bullshit, since i have everything unlocked, maxed and play since alpha - i have bn here since day one. i will loose alot of squads i did grind, i will probably loose my extra slots on all campaigns and probably will loose costumisation stuff, gear and so on i wont have a single soldier to place after the merge,
Heck they could even make all of my 65 or (what ever i have) premiums free to play i wouldnt loose a single nanosecond of sleep.

i have 0 complains about that, if, its for a better game in the future for more people. not , a niche group.

0 complains , from a player that plays daily since first alpha test.

if its for a better game. for a larger group, so be.

Customs, again, will get more options, and will suit the smaller group of people that seek a more historical aproach to the game. we just have to wait for that.


yes , if i remmeber correctly on a new account you have to set a certain number of replies , topics created and so on untill you gain a diferent “trust” level, its done automaticly the more you post and the more you interact with the people around

if i find the document that shows that i will show you . lemme search

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Hey @1942786, I’m glad you added this part:

First off, I don’t see how this post has anything to do with “meta changes”. For me, the main meta issues will STILL outweigh what you guys are trying to do. These issues being:

  • White Phosphorus is just too powerful. There is no way to counter it, especially when people take large grenade pouches on all their guys and start throwing it indiscriminately.

  • Explosive packs are almost as bad. Tanks are almost completely unable to move up and support their troops simply because a single character is capable of holding 3 anti-tank grenades that also double as anti-personal.

  • Flamethrowers can run into an area and absolutely torch everything. There is very little defense against them. Especially because flames just go through walls and floors it seems anymore. A single unit can run in and clear off an entire objective, and stop additional forces by setting blaze to the entire surrounding area.

  • Engineers are rarely taken and instead more offensive type characters are taken instead. This leads to very few people putting down rally points and defenses that could potentially help to counter things like flamethrowers and assaulters. They are generally underperforming because the fortifications they put up have far too low of durability, and on defense you often have to GUESS where to set up ahead of time.

  • Radio operator artillery strikes absolutely devastate everything they hit in terms of cover, and there is absolutely no counter to them. At least with the bomber strikes you have the opportunity to shoot them down. However, every two minutes someone is able to call in a strike that causes all the AI in the area to flee, and all fortifications to shatter… needless to say, I see it spammed all the time.

  • Also in terms of fortifications, if they do manage to survive constant bombardment, infantry are simply allowed to break them down by hand. This means that there is essentially no possible counter to infantry pushing in. It requires an engineer and materials to put them up, but any old soldier can take them down without a cost? Come on.

  • Grenade pouches are spammed, occasionally people will take ammo pouches. Very rarely are backpacks for more medkits taken. Why? Because players only focus on rushing in and getting kills. There is basically nothing available that has equal value to be equipped. Grenades in general are extremely powerful, especially in bulk like that. Yet mines, which cost more and are really only useful for defense are not given the option to have increased amounts per soldier? It’s no wonder everyone just spams grenades.

THESE are the metas that are going to cause problems. No matter what happens in your new system. Regardless of people being matchmade according to equipment score. Regardless of what vehicles or weapons can be brought into which maps.

None of that is going to matter because these core meta issues exist. Until those are resolved, I’m sorry to say but I don’t think your new systems are really going to make much difference.

IF you managed to fix those issues, I think your new systems would be the start to a great new era for Enlisted. Matchmaking would be more friendly to players just starting out, letting them enjoy the game and build up without getting decimated by end-game gear. Though I think matchmaking would also benefit from taking into account players that have a tendency to team-kill a lot. Put them in together and away from the rest of us.

Also, with the gear-score system being the way it looks like it will be, adding a multiple tabs of loadouts for squads will be needed. This way if a player feels like playing at end-tier they can, but if they would rather go in at a lower level, let them have a different loadout ready so they don’t have to manually change everything for each soldier.

Again, I really do hope the devs take the time to read this and consider making the changes to the “meta” that are the big issues.


no… i havent played cod and battlefield since they originally came out, neither do i care about them. simply i care about game balance. and with current playerbase it is impossible to have 6-8 historically accurate campaigns, full human vs human teams and teams balanced by equipment. keeping all those conditions would require 10x amount of current players.

Damn and you’re still ok with all of this, despite having all this stuff? You’re either optimistic or desperate af but all the power to you. Don’t forget that much of the veterans are the whales of this game too. New players mostly play the game couple of times and leave. I don’t know how Darklow and Gaijin will react when most of their income playerbase leaves. But oh well, guess we’ll see when all of this drops.


And maybe that’s why you can’t see that Enlisted is heading in the same direction and wants to attract those communities too.

yes, because, its a much needed change and so far, the best one proposed. and will (hopefully) make the game better.

balanced but diverse fights on normal queue
historical on customs for the small niche.

nothing to disagree with that.

we know who, or mostly of us do. coz we do talk and know who has what.
and to be fair, most of us already play with eachother on same discord groups or invites during game x)))

ffs stop hijacking every thread with those issues. this thread is concretely about players concern about MM and progression.

Small niche? Most of the playerbase is for keeping some historical accuracy. I’d wager that you’re part of the vocal minority, especially judging by all the posts in the forums. Also customs is dead as a doorknob.

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yes small niche. already showed why on another post.

and already explained customs will get more content.

and you cant see that it is impossible to have game balance and keeping historical accuracy cause NOT ENOUGH PLAYERS.