Let’s Discuss the Meta Changes

Yes. And? This seperate loadouts idea doesn’t touch tech trees. You research a weapon, you unlock it once, and stick it in whatever loadouts that will allow it.

My proposal is a Faction merging system. You select faction, you get any map that the faction was involved in.

The devs proposal is more of a campaign merging sytem, as the gear will all be merged in some way or the other. You will select Germany, throw a king tiger in your tanker squad, then show up in Moscow (Whether this will happen occasionally, often, or all the time will have to be seen[its going to happen all the time because most people will want to unlock the highest BR stuff, and eventually they will not be only confined to Berlin])


It will surely get in the future.

Have you seen the content I sent you privately?

And still we are back to MM tags and create code for it(longer ques and dev time to complete coding it), don’t forget that everything you telling is easier on word then in code for such enormous game.


Matchmaking is a very serious debate and I’m sure it will continue to be worked on in time, this game is still being worked on in the first place, but I think a lot of us can agree the single faction tech tree is a good step in the right direction

Exactly. I don’t think these people realise but he still needs to manually come up with a way to separate the guns, otherwise his loadout system won’t know which weapons are fine and which weapons aren’t allowed.

I think people think these sub-points just automatically resolve themselves when the bigger picture is laid out.

Like “Oh well the loadouts will just reject guns not allowed”
Ok how? How will it know which ones?
“Oh it’ll just automatically reject guns not allowed”
Again… how?

As harsh as it is to say this, it’s like talking to a brick wall sometimes.

What about splitting the game in an arcade mode (the one you proposed) and a realistic mode (a REALLY weapon and vehicles acxurate one)? Wouldn’t this solve a lot of problems?

If we can’t pick, why not doing both?


So they can create a system that will be able to select campaign appropriate uniforms for each match, changing between matches, but they can’t create a sytem that detects your different weapon loadouts and selects the accurate one?


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Thats a hard one.

@James_Grove @Ungorisz
Thinking about something like this:

Let’s say todays “Battle of Tunisia”.
DF create a server(s) named “Tunisia” and load in all suitable maps.

I suggest that you create a squad managment feature in customs (apart from the regular one).
It’s like moving todays squad management code from the main game to Custom. More or less.

If you have a premium squads from Tunisia you will easily in-lobby be able to pick and use these (a great argument for those who fears their premiums will be abundant now).

But lets say someone sold all their Tunisia gear?

Maybe we should therefore give everyone a opportunity to use default squads (like those from the “even event”) if some ppl lack weapons/tanks for desigated “campaign”.

This would need a investment in coding and huge UI-update.

But should work excellent.

Why? It will be easier instead, depending on the logic behind the new matchmaking system.

If I understand correctly the new matchmaking will create lobbies where the level of each teammate is more or less the same. Not a good idea in my opinion. Berlin will be a sweat fest all the time while Tunisia will be always chilling and slow.

A better idea would be to divide the team in different tiers, according to the equipment used, so that every team has a certain percentage of high , mid and low ranked players.

By creating loadouts for different campaigns any player has the same probability of playing in said campaigns. With fewer conditions, the matchmaking system will find the best suited match more easily.


people with 0 coding experience that expect easy solutions cause they want them. i already said in multiple topics that you need exponentially more players with more rules you add to keep the MM queue populated, but people just refuse to accept that and want to keep either status quo that is unsustainable or magical complicated solution that requires 100x more players than enlisted currently has.

Customs don’t work now, we have 25 customs with 3-5 players in them, ideally we would have preset customs by the devs (broken into campaign) which match exactly what we have now, to stop the person removing the k98 rifle or other custom restrictions…

We don’t earn enough xp, we only use customs in my clan events. Mainly to play a new map mod or gun game as warm up…

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So they can create a system that will be able differentiate soldier uniform for each campaign, but not weapon loadout?


That was your idea too… it was your idea to include uniforms being differentiated.

You were the one who also wanted to include uniforms in defining what’s an acceptable loadout or not…

At this point you’re telling yourself your own idea wouldn’t work…

“The loadouts would have restrictions on weapons and uniforms” -You.

keyword. now.

ence why they will work and deliver more into them.

just going to quote myself

No. The devs literally said the game will be able to change your uniforms already depending on the match you get.


just read first few posts in this topic… it has been explained there…

Simply because it would split the playerbase even more, and with each new faction or campaing it would just make more problems that’s unsustainable. The more restrictions we apply to the matchmaker the more queues would be needed.

Fair enough. Still maybe in the future this option would be accountable


You COMPLETELY missed the point of what I said.

/sigh. After so many years gaming I should know better