It is in BR3 now.
I haven’t researched it, but I believe it is the only pure bolt action rifle placed in BR3 that doesn’t have a grenade launcher.
It’s certainly a good gun, and I consider it to be a pretty dominant bolt-action rifle. It fires fast, and once you get used to it, it can compete in close combat with the semi-auto rifles in the same BR3, even though it is a bolt-action.
That gun kills both CQB and long range enemies well.
However, I’d hate to fight a squad filled with FG42s or StG44s with it.
In my opinion, this gun could be grated to BR2, what do you guys think?
I love this rifle - I used it for rifle drills as a cadet in the ATC (Air Training Corps - teen “airforce” cadets for those not in the Commonwealth) - waaaaay back in the early 1970s (yes that ages me!! :))), and we used the .22 LR version for 25 meter range shooting - so many memories of rifles almost as long as the cadets, and using SLR drills (FN_FAL - was by then the standard battle rifle for het grown ups) rather than the old SMLE drills for shouldering arms, etc - fingers though the trigger guard “simulating” hand under the pistol grip…
Just remember your world is built on hte shoulders of those who are now old and decrepit, but did their best… mostly… even though it didn’t work as well as might have been hoped!
Yes, I would like to see all bolt actions except grenade launchers moved to BR2 and be able to play without fear of being kicked around by moderne soldiers.
BR3 gear can be put in the low tier queue, so there will come a time to fight them in bolt action, but well, if you don’t have StG44, it’s not that big a deal.