Last Gold Order - what to spent it on?

Hi all

We recently got a Weapon Gold Order. I am unsure what to spend it on, as I have more or less everything I wanted. I play all factions, but I prefer playing BR II. Any recommendations? What have you spent you last GO on?

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Here are my takes on BR2 GO weapons

Soviet : RPK 43

US/UK : Thompson BSA

Germany : MKB 35 (the assault rilfe)

Japan: huh… I don’t have any recomandation for the Japanese but many consider the Hotchkiss to be a great gun.

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I also have yet to decide, dont really need anything.
I prefer to use mostly similar loadouts in my squads, so I have 3 x WAR, 3 x RPK, 3 x Hotchkiss, 4 x LAD and so on.
Since the next BP season will give us 4 x semi auto’s with 10 rounds magazine for Japan BR 3, I might get the Type Hei rifle 10 as gold order, which is similar.


for br II,

personal reccomandations would be,

Western Axis :it: :de: :

  • MKB 35
    a mini stg for low br

  • lathi mg / knorr mg
    both are somewhat an improvement while being somewhat similar to a mg 13

  • silenced erma
    due to being silenced and relatively stable.
    goes in hands for riders or small squads to flank without being heard.

  • suomi KP
    it’s generally a higher rate of fire smg with good damage input.
    definitely a must have imo.

  • artillery luger
    not generally a great weapon, but it can be effective to be given to those classes that can’t get an ammo backpack. such as medics, radiomen, mortarmen etc.

honorable mentions, granted, those are not low br, but still great nevertheless:

pavesi svt proto, breda PG, coenders (s)mg & g43 kurtz.

for japan :jp: ,

there isn’t a whole lot for low br.


  • murata rifle
    a 6 rounds bolt action rifle which it’s quite accurate and faster to shoot.

  • sword pistol
    for the memes i guess

  • the hotchkiss
    it’s somewhat different from the other machineguns. but at the same time, i’m not sure you would give up the scope for a slight improvement.

otherwise any other extended rifles will be great ( though, not br II )

as for the allies…

soviets :ru: :

  • rpk 43
    i have grabbed few RPK 43s and find my self never having enough of those.
    due to the lack of machineguns on the soviet side beside the breda 30 ( from stalingrad pre merge “dlc” ) and madsen, you will never be wrong.

otherwise, not much. the kp semi auto rifle it’s not really great, and the silenced mosin is slow as hell with supbar velocity of the bullet and reduced damage.
the smgs are not on the same level as ppsh43 or 42s ( imo ).

and the honorable high br mentions are the RMN50, svt drum, LAD (s)mg, and the gorov lmg ( which can be used by all troopers for some reason ).

western allies :us: :uk: :

  • m3 silenced
    it’s a silenced m3. i mostly use it on riders. but it can be effective on smaller squads and flank.

  • hyde
    not… particularly great. but ideal for pilots.
    at least, that’s how i use it.

  • Chatellerault M24/29
    a solid machinegun for low br. ( i gave one to the british squad )

and… that’s about it.

i haven’t tried many low br stuff.
only high br. ( speaking of, bren 100 is a solid choice. i heard good things about the farquhar semi auto rifle too )

i can’t recommend many others as i don’t like most of those, and grinded the tech tree as i was more interested in those instead.

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If you have any weapons you like I recommend pistols, like the artillery luger, sword pistol and that Soviet submachine gun (I can’t remember the name), although I generally prefer to use weapons as a complete set (for example I have three MP35s, but I’ve never used them, because there aren’t four), but I love to give my engineer a specific weapon on each team, g43 kurz for Germany (BR5), t20E1 for America (BR5), and I can’t think of any more options right now.

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my recommendations are:

Beretta 1918/30
Pavesi 42M
Breda PG (CR)
Cönders MG

sword pistol
type hei (10)

Yazikov SMG

Hyde 35
farquarhill rifle