Last Ditch - National Defense Rifle/Pistol and more

"National Defence Rifle " (Japanese: 国民簡易小銃, Kokumin kan’i shōjū , lit. “National simplified rifle”)[[1]]is the name attributed to a series of [last-) designed in Japan during the latter stages of World War II.

"National Defence Pistol " (Japanese: 国民簡易拳銃, Kokumin Kan’i Kenjū , lit. “National simplified pistol”)[1] is the name attributed to a proposed designed in Japan during the latter stages of World War II.


Give them Spigot mortar and Terrain advantage; that is all they will need. Iwo Jima, Peleliu, and Okinawa will be hell for GI if these two simple requirements are met.


but these were never used tho? like i heard about them before but i swear these were never use since it only on the main homeland since jap surrender before the allie can attack their land

I had a prettier arsenal than those Japanese… things… back when I was a kid…



The Type 4 grenade or ceramic grenade (四式陶製手榴弾, Yon-shiki tōsei teryūdan) was a “last-ditch” hand grenade developed by the Imperial Japanese Navy in the closing stages of World War II.

History and development[edit]

By late 1944 and early 1945, much of the industrial infrastructure of Japan had been destroyed by Allied strategic bombing, and there was a growing shortage of raw materials due to Allied naval blockades and submarine warfare. Lacking in metals to mass-produce hand grenades in the vast quantities that would be needed against the projected Allied invasion of Japan, the Imperial Japanese Navy Technical Bureau developed a design for a cheap, easy-to-make grenade made of ceramic or porcelain materials. Kilns famous for the production of traditional Japanese pottery, such as Arita, Bizen and Seto were pressed into service to manufacture these relatively crude weapons. There were a tremendous number of variants on shape, size and color, because the design depended on each kiln.


The Type 4 grenade had a fragmentation body made of terra cotta or porcelain materials. The grenade was round-shaped with a bottle neck with a rubber cover and a simple fuse. This detonator was no more than a blasting cap crimped on to a five-second length of fuse. The other end of the fuse, which was outside the rubber plug, was covered with a match-head composition. A slip-on rubber cap covered the whole neck, and fuse. A small, loose wooden block with an abrasive composition on one side was contained in the rubber fuse cover.[[1]]

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so basically jap gammon bomb? if they add these then i should get my gammon bomb my beloved aka “mini nuke” that the nickname i give it so dont get confuse

Weren’t these single-shot weapons?

How it was gonna be used, if it is supposed to be violently thrown? Outer body would just shatter or crack with no explosion, it wouldnt do much frag damage if it would explode either, cos it would just turn to dust, what the lack of resources can do to a man jeez