Larger Objective Sizes

It is a dream of mine that one day this game could have a Giant Battle with a fully open map and perhaps a lot more players and vehicles and I feel such a mode would fully realize so many different things in this game’s fullest and true potential. But that is a pipe dream for one day.

While such a dream may not be for a long time, there are elements of it that I think are good and could be implemented into the game as a benefit. First and foremost larger objective sizes

Most objectives are very small. I always find it’s easy for one side to zerg the other when you’re literally fighting over a single cramped space. Don’t get me wrong there are certainly intense struggles, but it doesn’t change the fact that tiny objectives constrict gameplay

It’s extremely easy for the enemy to zerg one building, or tanks to shell one building, or flamethrowers to burn one building, or Assaulters to clear one building, then the match is over in seconds. You merely have to take a moment to think or even if you’re playing right now stop to pay attention to how really small the objectives you’re fighting over. But larger objectives add more dynamics to the battle because both teams are fighting over a larger area.

Instead of fighting for that one little house you’re fighting over multiple buildings in the village. Instead of fighting over that one corner in the Stalingrad Railroad Building you’re fighting over the whole building. Instead of fighting for that one piece of the Stalingrad Workers Union you’re fighting over the whole complex. Instead of fighting over that one bunker on D Day you’re fighting over the whole line of bunkers and surrounding trench line

Larger objectives would make battles feel more worthwhile and longer. Sure your Assaulters can clear one building, but that one building is now just a small piece of the whole objective you’re fighting over


i agree, small cap zones make veterans clear objectives very efficiently which in my opinion contributes to steam rolling, very often I run into a cap point, clear it completely by myself and the rest of my team just takes over the point. With larger capture points this is harder to do, e.g. on pacific maps where there are sometimes large capture points. I think bigger cap zones would reduce the influence of veterans.


Won’t happen any time soon since they are still supporting ps4 and xbox one version of a game. And there are a lot of players with weak hardware since it’s a pc game so they don’t want alienate more free players.


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Well that’s why I said one day :wink: