Large fps drops game unplayable

This game use to work for me perfectly but sience some time it start to drop fps from max to 5 fps so game freez and its very often any fix ?

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Troubleshoot your connection close background programs update your drivers and if all else fails there may be some kind of server side issue.

what is your configuration? what are your settings? do you play dx11 or dx12? is your PC overheating?

it happens on both dx and temperature is fine i check it

AMD Ryzen 7 5800H, 32 GB RAM DDR4-3200, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070, ssd 1 tb

i have every thing up to date and i have very good internet also when it happens game show low fps error icon

well your laptop is strong enough to run this game on high settings with high fps, so if everything is true what you are saying it will be pain in the ass to diagnose it.

for start do stress tests with OCCT. if that doesnt show any problems, play game and check task manager when you experience problems and see what is using resources at that time cause it might be something in background.
also you could try switching from dx12 to dx11 (or vice versa).

low fps icon? are you sure it is low fps icon and not any other icon?

Do you have trouble with any other games? With 32 gig I wouldn’t think RAM is the issue. Running any CPU intensive applications in the background? Any overclocking, even on the RAM? Have you tried setting it to minimal graphics settings to see if you still get the slow-downs?

That’s strange but it may be aging hardware my friend as hard as that is to admit sometimes

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well it happens only in this game

Yes, it’s definitely the fps icon, I’ll run OCCT tonight, maybe it’ll show something.