did the developers mess with the armor in the update ?
KT is handycaped and this point and You have like 20 different ways to counter it Germany tank supremacy was probably something in the old days now we are getting doomed when something decent is added to GE
Wanna an example?
Look the belt fed mg-42 Yee is good and i like it but… Now we have the TU-2 the Hyde rifle the super pershing the old GO weapons like the RMN-50 copy pasted antitank weapons + all the other stuff we alredy had before
Also as far i remember the 76mm introduced to allies and soviets because is the cannon able to pen the KT i don’t remember the exact pen stats that this gun have
Also the armor sometimes is weird and Even using KT doesnt means that You Will be safe
According to tests done in Isigny, France on Panther wrecks at 200 yards firing at the glacis one round out of four fair hits with 76mm HVAP penetrated.
You compare a Panther to the KT. Great.
don’t be sour it was a real world test and you know exactly what that means
The mg port and turret cheeks are very weak the firefly can pen it with Sabot. the U.S 76 can do the same but at very unrealistically close range.
keep in mind that cursor being red doesn’t mean it won’t pen just means its unlikely to.
If you ask the Allied player base they would say the KT is still OP and they need a B29 armed with Fat Man to destroy one KT.
The amount of kills I got firing when red is crazy, it is the difference in speed sometimes, not waiting for perfect shot…
Like if the RPzB and the p-47 wasn’t enough yet…
Give them a captured KT!
Fuck it. But I probably will not play the game anymore if they do.
KT on turret has 185mm armor.
look at pen values for guns:
APDS and APCR can pen KT without problem, although they usually require multiple shots cause they have shit postpen damage.
what KT are you using?
i think he might be using KTP which only has a 100mm turret face
Its not it gets down tiered too much rank 5 vehicles should be locked to a rank 4-5 matchmaking spread.
In my experience the Germany mains that put the Tiger II in their deck are over confident dumbasses that I make short work with the 76mm Sherman(don’t use the TT Sherman 76 if you have either version of the Pershing) while not a good counter to the tiger 2 it still is very capable of killing a tiger II if they don’t pussy out like bitch and grey zone camp.
Another thing take my opinion with a grain of salt because I am technically an above average player so my experience is not representative of the Allies experience as a whole I do win 70.56% of my games.
No lie. Imagine a pristine condition Tiger II abandoned somewhere in the Ardennes forest by advancing US troops, just because it ran of out fuel. Very cool photo tho
Many allied guns can pen the turret cheeks of the Tiger 2 H. Angle it slightly and wiggle it while rocking the tank back and forth until they fire. Then return fire yourself.