Kill credit system (specifically vehicle) need some sort of rework

Yesterday i down 2 aircraft using aa but then some random guy shot at that down plane that the pilot didnt jump out and guess what? he got it instead of me. Like i did 60-80% damage and some guy just got it for hitting 1 bullet? bruh this need some rework tbh

maybe make some sort of system that keep track on who did most damage to this tank or plane and give credit to the one that did the most damage. Idk how they are gonna do it but it probably better than what it is rn.


Yep if you score a critical damage the kill should be your indipendentely who fire the last bullet


I mean the same could count for tanks - I mean infantry kills already go to the one that downed the target…

So first to deal critical damage gets the kill - though, what exactly is even critical damage? Im not sure this is easy to answer…


I’ve hit tanks with Bazooka’s multiple times, get them burning and someone else lobs an explosion pack on and I lose the Tank kill credit. :laughing: Granted, I probably stopped and incapacitated the tank, while the explosion pack actually killed the tank personal, so, I don’t get pissed about that.

this is pretty easy for planes. you kill engine, get his wing or tail. all unrecoverable damage. for other things it is debatable.


I’m gonna paste my suggestion from long ago:

They could make it so that kill is awarded for the player that was last to cause either major or critical damage.
For planes, major damage would be every damage that doesn’t cause immediate crash, i.e.
destroying the engine so it doesn’t produce enough power (or stops working) or putting enough holes into the wings so they don’t produce enough lift.
Critical damage would be any damage that sends the aeroplane onto an express ride into the ground, i.e. snapped wings and tails.
For tanks, critical damage already grants the kill, as it is either crew wipe or ammo detonation. Major damage would either be killing a crew member or setting the engine on fire. If the rest of the crew bails, a kill should be awarded to the last person that caused major damage while the tank was still crewed, so no kill stealing an empty tank. Also, kill credit should be split based on how many crew members one killed in the tank. So, if you manage to kill 4/5 of a crew, you also get 4/5 of tank kill score (120/150 points).