Keofox got fired?

Lol how many players ask for such soft rule MM?
Don’t wait until they finally find some compromise then blame why they don’t implement this earlier.

Would have probably bargain for soft rule but devs didn’t want to bargain.

Doesn’t it get boring with the white knighting at this point, as with your constant lols?
Because now you are basically saying, “Don’t blame devs for requiring months to come up with soft rules.”
Not only does it sound dumb for the devs to come up with soft rules after months, but they also could have just asked for more solutions from the community instead of just keep saying, “Not enough players”, which eventually would have resulted in a soft rule… in a smaller time frame than months.


Wow someone didn’t come up with such idea months ago blaming dev for using such idea late. Why didn’t you suggest it in the first place since you already know it will eventually resulted in a soft rule?

The man hasn’t been as active as he used to be. We’ll probably never know the exact reason why he’s no longer working for Gaijin.

But to say there’s something bad and shady going on in Gaijin. Well, I find that incredibly ridiculous (I am reacting to that last sentence of the reddit screenshot)


i think bigger problem is complete lack of communication. ffs we even barely got we lack players reason. community would be more receptive to any dev decision if they knew reason for implementing or not implementing them and people could actually brainstorm some better idea if something doesnt work.

I dont know if the player’s suggestions made it clear that it is impossible to make it soft and cannot be bargained. Probably not, since the devs never reacted to them anyway. They only made one vague statement in a news thread about player numbers after someone posted a general question about MM adjustments. And it wasn’t even the devs, but a helper.
Yeah, Blame the players because they can’t make solutions for DF because DF doesn’t tell what is possible or not.
And since DF has never made soft rules before, and the Chinese servers with five queues do not have soft rules either, yeah, blame players for not explicitly saying it can also be done soft.

Regarding “for using such idea late.”
Devs have their fancy data, and they probably have their long-term strategic goals and values in mind, not me or anyone here. Devs know what is technically possible or not. Devs probably want to fix MM, but they cannot do hard rules with anything because of player numbers. Since the status quo does not work, you might as well try with soft rules or come with a different system which was not suggested within the team so far.
So, should we also know that now?
But no, it’s our fault because we didn’t make suggestions to the developers. We all know that the developers read our suggestions constantly. Not only that, but they also note them down and listen to them.

Tbh whats point of brainstorm if devs dont read them anyways?
Especially since number of active helpers isnt that great either and now they are stuck with one community manager.

this is all included in lack of communication. communication needs to be both ways.

btw idk full context of that post. it could have been regarding only WT BR rating for all we know.

Lol so the only thing you can do is blaming?
If not blaming the dev, you blame the players.
You are just making some false dilemma.

Remember there was a failed steam launch, they might thought the steam launch will give enough players.
Consider that the soft rule come on the next major update after the failed steam launch, I will say it is still acceptable.

And repeating your blaming theory. Blame dev don’t ask for suggestion in the last post and then blame they don’t read suggestion anyway. Then what is the point of suggesting dev to ask for suggestion? You are just contradicting yourself.

So basically a nearly infinite supply of unpaid interns?
Acutally even better, a nearly infinite supply of interns who pay you.

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If you dont have anything to say, just say nothing.
“Devs don’t say what is possible?” Ehh You just blame.
“Devs don’t go specific with their reason beyond a vague helper post below a random new post months ago?” Ehh You just blame.
“We need to deliver suggestions based on requirements we don’t know?” Ehh You just blame.
“Devs dont even read the suggestions and lack staff to do so an a technical level now?” Ehh You just blame and it is contradicting.

White-Knighting at its finest.
Really a shame that their attrition rate in the forum is so goddam high.

I’m pretty sure that was their main goal because people will definitely go with a game and a game studio that demands, I think, 20 euros at least to play on Steam but is free elsewhere. This was definitely not a lazy attempt to milk money.

Ehh Yes. Ultimately, all of these discussions are pointless (not only because of you) because developers don’t read 99% % of the threads, only the posts below news threads. This was maybe a thing two or three years ago when we had two community managers, Fox was actually active beyond news posts and had more active helpers etc.
Could just have said that and be done with it, but that would be boring.

At this point, you don’t actually make suggestions to the devs. You just make them to discuss them with the community. Maybe James will write “noted down,” only to hear nothing from it anymore.
Anyone who expects something different is dumber than the whiteknight-club.

“Excuse me but this graph clearly say that (insert toxic item) is fun. So start having fun…”
Man this explains a lot of bullshit occuring at times.
If this is your philosophy for how to treat feedback than im impressed that the game survived so far.
Collected stats alone can be so missleading if you just take it at face value, so feedback from the community should be monitored.

This entire data driven approach caused some vehicles in War Thunder to skyrocket in repair cost like tenfold compared to similar or better vehicles in its tier as at some point only the best players could afford repairing these vehicles, while the average player simply could not afford to play with it, making the avereage user godlike compared to the rest.
This enabled them to somehow earn back the insane repair costs which would enable them to raise them futher due to “graph says repaircost is to low”.

So dev finally deliver a solution and you just blame?

Well anyways, the fox was part of this little weird community of ours, and pretty much a meme.

He will be remembered.


How “simple” are you? Yes.

well yeah… you can basically measure satisfaction before any update is even implemented and people would spend more cause they feel valued.


If anyone on this forum runs a business, DO NOT DO THIS. Always listen to customers and potential customers, even if you don’t implement their suggestions.

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How naive are you? Yes.

Ehh I think that terms applies to you since you are team Darkflow.

Lol many people like the soft rule dev implemented, and here is you, the guy that blame for the sake of blaming aka team blaming.