KB-P-260 Experimental LMG and DP 27 with box mag

In order to solve the BR 2 LMG issue, I suggest changing these weapons BR

  • DP-27 BR: 2
  • DPM BR: 3
  • DT-29 BR: 3

Since that is relocated to a bit better place, then I can add KB-P-260 Experimental LMG on BR 4


Or no need to relocate, but just add this gun in BR 2 too:

no, they have enough beltfeed stuff for a while


nah we need more beltfed than enough lmfao



Pls more soviet stuff. They suffer.
DP-27 in BR1 pls.

You are kidding, are you? DP-27 with 47rds vs MG13 with 25rds.

Pls more fantasy weapons :heart:

no, thank you

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It was irony…

I know, just filling the post :smiley:

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Yeah somewhat kidding on that part because the only gun in BR 2 is madsen which is shittier than MG13 or Breda lmg.

Maybe adding this one is better ig:

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