With the current event it is possible to get the Katana for the Japanese (Axis) faction in the Pacific Campaign, however, there is already a Shin Gunto Type 95 in the base levels of the campaign for the Axis. What is different about the Katana, if anything? Is it better?
think it is just cosmetics. one is limited edition, while other mass produced.
Stat wise - the same
I think katana is a traditional samurai sword probably from their ancestors.
Katana looks slightly longer on the picture, unless my eyes deceive me.
Historically katana was not designed for fighting on foot (and thus was long out of use at the time of WW2) unlike tachi (which is the basis for shin guntou), but the line between the two was often pretty blurry.
In game the difference is likely purely cosmetic. Even difference in length might not amount to anything in terms of hitbox / hurtbox, if it’s actually there and I didn’t imagine it.
It gives more XP when you commit sudoku at the end of a round after losing for the 100th time against the Americans
You are not samurai
So go play Moscow
with some friends we were seeing the differences between the katana and the shin gunto
the katana is longer, has a more traditional handle and a more worked blade
I believe the differences are only aesthetic, with the Katana being a traditional sword with a hamon and everything.
执此武士刀 Hold katana
微笑面对陆战队 Smile and face marines
洋人是大便 Americans are shit
Btw, 2 silver orders for a shin gunto is nonsense.
Even more so since every single gun with bayonet boasts both extended range and OHK already.
Buy gunto is usless outiside roleplay
It’s practically a Type 95 military sword.
more of psycological warfare.
devastating against section of bots though, the wanderless bots ( not controlled by players )
pretty funny.
Any sword is OP.
So 2 silver for OP is not enough.
that’s a bold statement
well, i find my self more using bayonettes since those are a bit convenient, and… free.
They’re good. But they are slow.
And they don’t give a speed bonus.
Although I have a good opinion about them, because even with a bayonet on Mosin 44 in the CBT of Berlin, I have killed a lot of hans.
But swords still better.
It’s very nice to run and cut everyone right and left.
2 SO not so much.
You’re mostly paying for the ability to run 20% faster. Though I maintain US allies shouldn’t have gotten bayonets in the Pacific.
Sorry for necroposting, do you really run faster with Shin Gunto kust like with event swords?