I’m not a history buff, but if HA we should get AT rifle here for axis and allies (fair balance), I’m not sure why they are not included in the campaign, is it a timing thing?
i’m not sure i follow the question but,
because AT grenade launchers were made after the campaign of tunisia ( more precisely, with the stalingrad update ) they didn’t bothered to add them in tunisia.
especially when the ohrofen was already inside the campaign slighlty before the AT rifle grenades were actually made and introduced.
and well, tunisia has somewhat kinda have been abandoned. last update that has received, was the matilda premium and few others premium squads.
if you want to use it, most likely will happen after the merge
I dont know if AT rifle nades are allegedly less HA than the Ofenrohr which wasnt issued to the Germans in North Africa (after all the gun was based on captured Bazookas in North Africa and Russia)
Because dev stopped add already added equipment in all campaigns because of the merge, so is not an history thing is just add AT granade rifle in tunisia campaigns dont have sense if soon™ the whole campaign are nuked and become map
Well. They added new levels for Berlin, Normandy and Pacific and except IS2 44, New 76mm Sherman, Tiger 2H, its basically copy paste again.
The only copypasted level added from the merge announcement are some USA level in pacific and the stg44 in berlin, all the other new added level are unique and dont have identical gun in other campaigns
So no its not copypast again this time, otherwise they already added some berlin/normandy gun in moscow, tunisia and stalingrad for example
AS-44 is basically a free AS-44 without bipod, Type 100 (Late) is basically Type 100 SMG (Early) and Panther G already exists in Berlin iirc.
Well. We have al lot of stuff in the files but they dont want to release it (e.g. KV-2, Tiger H1, Sturmpanzer II or other Churchills iircs).
Mp38 is an mp40 but still is a different gun, we can talk about copypasted gun only if is it the same gun with same model and stats
Otherwise if we want take your approuch, 80% of game equipment is just a reskin of luger,kar,g41,mg15 and mp40 because they share similiar stats
Indeed the Late Type 100 shoots 400rpm faster but the differences between free AS-44 and premium AS-44 are pretty marginal, only that free one has a bayonett to put on.
And the premium one is not a progression one but a collectible for whoever purchase the berlin boundle, there is no other as44 in the game for all player outiside berlin so is harsh call if a copypast
eh… small precisation,
models have been pulled out.
not sure we’ll actually ever see them. ( any time soon )
outside the tiger H1, majority that are mentioned:
such as
- kv2,
- sturmpanzer II,
- sdkfz 251,
- hetzer,
- jagdtiger
- 75mm GMC,
- few japanese tanks that were " leaked",
- ISU 152
- Zis 30
- soviets AAs ( milktrucks. there were several, to this day, only one remained ),
- german flak panzer 38,
- 105 Sherman ( this one only remained the base model, but the working tank has been taken out. unlike the others where nothing remains outside a name/tag mention )
and many others. have been cutted out. even from the editor.
not sure what’s going on.
i hope they will be back, but that’s unlikely.
like, the some of the older vehicles that were in the game:
( which yes, those have been uploaded a month ago by @Bazsi37 but, that is only possible through loading older versions of enlisted. in the curret one, those are gone )
Its really old because the game looks so beautiful.
it consumes me the fact that we had a working 251 and it has been taken away.
so i’m stuck with this ugly frankestain looking mf:
as… an “”""“halftrack”""""
let alone all the others models that fellow modders would have used and restored.
( though, through mods, i was able to turn the panzer werfer into a gun carrier that could refil ammunition and side weapons such as the panzerfaust usable for infantry )