Can you please give us a 100 round belt with the MG-39? I beseech you.
Trying to win Euthy over to your side with the crying kitten I see. But honestly that would make the squad very nice and more worth it for me since I have the whole German tree researched.
Needs image of a crying AI kitty with a MG39 in one paw and another with unattached belt in another.
Or just a different MG at least and not another MG34/42 reskin with different rof.
Even ai attached ammo belt into the gun. It doesn’t understand a concept of Germans not having a belt fed MG.
Its a BR4 gun - just add a TT BT5 MG42 with 100 round belt.
Im sorry to tell you but the MG 39 Rh is a diffrent gun from the MG 39 that is in the event XD.
Time to generate a new kitty XD.
They are belt fed. 50 rnd belts
GE needs help mg-39 deserves 100 bullets
Its not even fun anymore collecting salt from GE
There should be an upgrade for this!
“Belt feed - enables 100 round belts for the weapon”
And an analogical upgrade for SMG’s - like upgrading mag capacity on Lanchester from 20 to 32 and then 50
(I would also love to get a 20 round mag for ZH-29)
Of course, everything in the bounds of reality, without custom cosmic capacity on weapons that never had bigger mags.
I love the idea
Equiping it would change its BR?
I suppose that would be the thing, looking at the PPSh41 with 35 (tier 3) vs. 71 bullets (tier 5), and Lanchester with 32 (tier 2) vs. 50 bullets (tier 3).