Just found out the Fliegerfaust will only be available for Berlin😔

Why add it to Berlin when most German mains in Normandy complain about Allied airpower there? I know it won’t matter when the merge occurs but we still don’t know when that’s happening (which, in itself, is kinda stupid). I’m just saying, it doesn’t make sense to add an anti air weapon to a campaign that doesn’t even have aircraft in the sky most of the time. Enlisted no longer cares about historical accuracy so if your only argument was that it wasn’t there due to when it was made, it’s a really flawed argument as the Sherman Jumbo exists in Normandy.


Because it was literally created and put into service during 1945, months after the Normandy landing. It was used during the Battle of Berlin, but not during the Normandy campaign.


What comet said + with merge it won’t matter where it is.


This point literally does not matter as they added the Sherman Jumbo in Normandy, which never saw combat there so what’s stopping them adding the Fliegerfaust?


after merge update, you will see it and or use it on other maps .

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Yes I know, but why couldn’t they have done what they did with the MP-41(r) with the Fliegerfaust? Even after saying the merge is “coming” they still gave us the option to use it in either Berlin or Normandy.

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Can’t wait to use it on moscow! ))))


Why they add it to Berlin, where Axis is very strong already. They received Tiger II H and now Fliegerfaust.
This campaign will slowly turn into next Tunisia.


The Junbo wasnt either or the Tiger on beaches.


I just don’t see the point in adding it to the campaign where planes are only dangerous to tanks most of the time.
Who cares when it was used when DF is already selective with that?


This whole topic is stupid at this point Infantry are getting more powerful And AA guns I don’t even know what to say about them anymore at this point.

Lol 2 fliegerfaust that can only be used by Berlin Axis won’t really have much impact. You still need to rely on aa gun most of the time.

With how AA guns are right now it’s a waste of time to use them.

Hopefully it get locked to Berlin and other possible 1945 maps

germans have much better tanks in normandy and = fighters

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Wont matter with merge. But it would have been handy in normandy


The Normandy Campaign is generally held to have finished 30 August - Tigers were used in that time frame.

Jumbo’s had been built by then, but arrived in Europe 3 weeks later - the first on 22 Sept, first allocation to troops was 14 October, and first combat some time late October.

So they were used in the “Liberation of France” - specifically the advance to the Rhine… and we all know DF’s campaign dates are… er… recommendations rather than rules!!


why would i carry a fliegerfaust instead of a panzerschreck for this more dangerous threat, especially if i can run a 110g-2 with mk108s that will put anything into the ground with a good hit

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Because the Mk108 is a rubbish AT gun perhaps?

I think you mean the 3.7cm BK 3.7 - it’s the one that gets HVAP.

You are confusing the 108 with the 103 perhaps? The 108 is the short stumpy version that has aa low muzzle velocity but fast rate of fire, and only gets HE rounds. The 103 is the long version that gets reasonable AP rounds.

talking for AA purposes, AT would be covered via the panzerschreck