Just a rant #1

Why is there fucking tiger 1 and 2 in BR 3-4 matchmaking :joy:? Are you kidding me? Literally lost last 2 matches because my Soviet mates are BR 3s fighting against fucking BR 5 Germany…

Screenshot 2024-08-20 191834

Use bomb…or Panzerfaust

I got M1 bazooka and T34 on my roster sadly ;-;

Get the Panzerfaust. The M1 is very disappointing and underperforming

Tiger 1 is BR4 tank and BR 3-4 MM is just preferential, that’s why.


Tiger h1 is in br 4 thus it can enter br 3-4 matches. Tiger e is br 5 tho


Yeah I have major skill issue on it because “what the fuck is a yard”

yard is just inferior meter.

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A superior measurement almost equivalent to a meter. Whatever the frick that thing is. Lol

nah inferior, I use meter family all the time


Nah superior. I use imperial all the time

You know there is a motive if the entire world outside Us use the metric system… And it actually make sense and laugh at the same time


if there are free players slot BR5 player can snake in a BR3-4 battle because the matching ±1 is a soft rule

Topic cleaned and closed, don’t post politics in the forum