Japanese uniforms should be of this colour

As you can see this is the uniform of the premium Ka-Chi pre-order squad which came alongiside the addition of the Pacific War campaign. It is mind boggling to see the tankers wearing this shade of the Khaki while the regular Japanese infantryman is wearing such a wrong colour scheme. Please change the uniform of the tankers to a different shade and bring this colour scheme for the regular infantryman in-game.


Same thing has been bothering me. Everytime i see japanese with green uniform i cringe


Japanese army did have a couple variant of green uniforms but not the one we have in game. And I still don’t understand why darkflow doesn’t use the original Japanese army uniform colour in the international version of enlisted.


And I thought it was just me with my minimum graphics setting (the second faction I tried out, I start all new games on minimum settings, just in case the game crashes. Enjoying medium right now).

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