Japanese Tree - New Progression

No i mean the Soviet invasion of Manchuria in 1945
Not the Pre-WW2 border clashes

Also, M26 Pershing on Okinawa (1945)

Pershings were sent after the battle not during it. Preparation for downfall operation.
And not everything in this game is h.a.

I’d personally rather the Shisei LMG be the end-tier rifle as it would be more suitable as an automatic rifle for gameplay and is very much just an automatic rifle given LMG designation, and the fact that for the machine gunners of other factions, a high capacity LMG is often the top tier content. In that fold, the modified Type 97 machine gun for infantry use makes much more sense.

Type 97 modified LMG

The Tokyo Arsenal 1927 would also be better suited for tech tree end-tier content, I don’t see how a Type 2A would by any measure be a better pick so making it a premium just screams p2w content.

Overall, I think this thread illustrated a fairly reasonable projection of what a future Japanese tree ought to look like.

Type 2 Nambu SMG in Enlisted has the 30 round magazine, my tier 5 suggestion for end game SMG is the Type 2 with 50 round magazine

50 Round Magazine

30 Round Magazine

Tokyo Arsenal SMG is prototype so its better suited for premium content.

While the Type 2A with extended magazine is welcome, I don’t think the Type 2A, 50 rounds or otherwise, should be the top tier, and why the Tokyo Arsenal Model 1927, in particular, should be the top tier instead is the RoF. The PPSh-41 sits at a 71-round drum mag and 1150rpm, and this is the closest analog.

Prototypes have hardly been an effective criteria for what would be an adequate premium candidate versus tech tree for a while now, and I’d rather not have this content locked to a singular premium squad, I think that is exceedingly punitive.

For that matter, the Type 2A itself is a prototype.

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They can always play with the numbers
Plus rate of fire isnt everything. Type 2A has very low and very controllable recoil making it amazing even at extended distances. They can give it same damage as thompson per shot but with very low recoil at the same time
we dont need japanese top tier submachine gun to have identical play style as soviet union’s close range, fast rate of fire ppsh. Plus its a bit cheesy to have a sub machine gun that nobody has ever heard of to be spammed at top tier by japan.

I don’t think I would rely on that sort of hope for a playable top tier, and simply put, given the Type 2A is also a prototype, I’d rather just not deny options which I think are better candidates for the job with fewer actual deviations in performance.

As far as playstyle concerns, I think Japanese exclusive maps already change the application of their use plenty, and there are enough deviations that a high RoF SMG is frankly welcome in my eyes. 50 rounds is worse than 71 by a noticeable margin to the point where the 50rpm improvement might not be enough to offset, so handling might be in order to compensate.

But again in either case, why the Type 2A, a prototype, over the Model 1927, another prototype, I don’t see why the lower RoF identical capacity pick should be considered top tier, why not swap them. I cannot in good faith be optimistic about having to shoot one faction in the foot just because another faction is earlier content in the game.

Yeah but everyone knows what the Type 2 Nambu SMG is
Nobody knows what some tokyo arsenal smg is.

Furthermore Tokyo Arsenal Model 1928 could be premium instead and the 1927 could be kept as researchable option and then it will be up to the player wether they prefer the low recoil, hard hitting Type 2A or the high recoil, high rate of fire TA smg at top tier

I don’t really think that recognition has been at the forefront of this game’s concerns for the power of certain weapons; the Conders is spammed to hell and back and that gun wasn’t even completed by the end of WW2. It overmatches the PPSh in performance with the same damage, RoF, but more ammo, and comparable handling. While it is BP, Germany has many alternative SMGs and Japan does not and BP weapons remain more flexible than premium options.

I think this would be a better way to do it, it’d at least offer variety to the player in choosing which weapons to play with and would be a reasonable trade-off of handling versus rate of fire. Model 1928 I would say is also more befitting of a premium due to its lower RoF and smaller magazine.

Type 2A with 30 round mag can also be a premium option

We already have the 30 round Type 2A in the game in the regular progression in fairness, it’s a fairly respectable gun with excellent handling, but it is a lower damage output SMG at 690rpm for 6.7 damage.

My biggest worry tho is how enlisted will just get copy and paste penetration for Chi-Nu’s 75mm AP and it wont be able to penetrate M4 sherman at point blank range, despite being able to from 600m in real life

Type 3 75mm
Type 1 APHE (6.56kg at 668m/s)
97mm @ 0m (0 Degrees)
51mm @ 0m (60 Degrees)

Tokku Ko APHE (6.615kg at 683m/s)
118mm @ 0m (0 Degrees)
53mm @ 0m (60 Degrees)

True but the new progression system will rework pretty much everything, its not late to slap Type 2A 30 mag as premium and everyone who already researched it gets main tree Type 1 Nambu SMG instead.

Indeed, but the Type 2A was shown in the tech tree previews so I suspect that it will be retained as such.

That might be of concern, I think tank balance is definitely the biggest question as far as Japan goes, as for aircraft there is enough potency in content if they really need to (800kg bomb on Kikka is a safe ceiling of CAS insurance), and I think small arms can be structured to match existing end-game content.

Thing is fixed AP round on Chi-Nu would despose of M4 Sherman easily as well as tanks like T-34-85

One possible adjustment that would help greatly is just improving the slopemods for uncapped AP shells, and there is some degree of historical validity to doing so.

There is, the values above stated are with using wwii ballistics AP slope modifiers. Since AP doesnt deform at 60 degrees, using 0 degree value after it deforms at 0 degrees wouldnt be accurate and would give underperforming 60 degree value. so i used 0 degree penentration value the AP would achieve if it didnt deform and used that figure with slpe modifiers to calculate sloped penetration instead. This approach of calculation gives me the same value as T33 APBC penetration graph stating 97mm @ 0m at 55 degrees and for Tokku Kou AP it gives a value which would allow it to penetrate frontal sherman armour up to 600m

In either case I’d imagine that would probably require a bug report demonstrating the methodology and having a reasonable background of citations, but for what its worth, there certainly are avenues to help balance tanks, although that remains the primary barrier.

Japanese wwii gun penetration if implemented correctly

Type 94 37mm
Type 94 APHE (0.7kg at 575m/s)
40mm @ 0m (0 Degrees)
18mm @ 0m (60 Degrees)

Type 98 37mm
Type 1 APHE (0.726kg at 704m/s)
52mm @ 0m (0 Degrees)
24mm @ 0m (60 Degrees)

Type 1 37mm
Type 1 APHE (0.726kg at 800m/s)
63mm @ 0m (0 Degrees)
28mm @ 0m (60 Degrees)

Type 1 47mm
Type 1 APHE (1.49kg at 810m/s)
82mm @ 0m (0 Degrees)
38mm @ 0m (60 Degrees)

Type 2 57mm
Type 1 APHE (2.7kg at 810m/s)
96mm @ 0m (0 Degrees)
47mm @ 0m (60 Degrees)

Type 3 75mm
Type 1 APHE (6.56kg at 668m/s)
97mm @ 0m (0 Degrees)
51mm @ 0m (60 Degrees)

Tokku Ko APHE (6.615kg at 683m/s)
118mm @ 0m (0 Degrees)
53mm @ 0m (60 Degrees)

Type 5 75mm
Type 1 APHE (6.56kg at 824m/s)
131mm @ 0m (0 Degrees)
67mm @ 0m (60 Degrees)

Tokku Ko APHE (6.615kg at 850m/s)
161mm @ 0m (0 Degrees)
70mm @ 0m (60 Degrees)

Personally I want to see Navy’s both 12cm SPGs.
Short 12cm gun in Chi-Ha new turret can destroy M4 tanks, and 10th Year Type 12cm AA gun on Chi-Ha seems funny :stuck_out_tongue:

About premium SMG, I want to see Experimental Model 3 SMG, a prototype of Type 100 SMG.
It have extremally long bayonet lug and total length was 1,100mm! (Type 99 short rifle is 1,118mm)
When equip 30th Year Type bayonet, total length is 1,490mm!! It will be longer than some rifles.


By the way, SMGs are important but LMGs are important, too.
No we don’t have even Type 99 LMG, the standard LMG of late-war Japanese Army!

I find some interesting guns so I share you.

Field-modification of Type 98 Swivel machine gun (九八式旋回機関銃)

License production model of MG 13 machine gun for bomber’s rear flexible mount.
It’s hard for me to distinguish Ko (7.9mm Type 1) or Otsu (7.7mm Type 89) in this photo…

I think field modification of both Type 98 swivel MG and Type 97 7.7mm fixed MG will be very attractive for players.



Experimental Type 1 LMG Model 1 with periscope

The navy abandoned periscope project, but the army made periscope again in 1941.
Exp. Type 1 LMG model 1 is early prototype of Exp. Type 3 LMG.
Model 3 is warfare design of Type 99 LMG with magazine affected from Czech machine gun.


Funny modifications of 11th Year Type LMG

11th Year Type LMG was the first Japanese adopted LMG, so there were lots of interesting variants.

With periscope

I’m not sure it is useful in the game, but the navy designed periscope for 11th Year Type LMG and Type 38 rifle.


With flash suppressor

Army designed flash suppressor for LMG.
It will be unique premium gun, but I’m not sure its useful in game.


With expandable bipod

Expandable bipod. You can mount on ground it without laying down!!
For anti-air, connect both leg to become monopod. You can mount on ground while standing! :wink:


With 35-round box magazine

Experimental update to equip 35-round box magazine and simplification.
Finally this project was abandoned and they focused to build new LMG instead of improve 11th Year Type.


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