Japanese SNLF

A nice addition to the soldier cosmetics for Japan would be uniforms of the Special Naval Landing Forces(Japan’s Marine Corps.), I know we kind of have that already but I’m kind of taking about their early war uniforms when they were wearing the standard blue sailor uniforms.


They would add only shirt or boots, not whole set.


i believe he means just change the collar tabs and perhaps the color:

actually, i dont know…


would you elaborate a bit op?

My point still stands. They would bother to just change colour of shirt, not whole set. I already know them very well.

on this, i disagree.

in enlisted, the cosmetic department always go their ways to make always new outfits and cosmetics.

granted, older and default that we have are shite,

but like, upcoming ones, premium, and newer planetree sets do look amazing.

it’s just that… we are stucked with an older selection, and we don’t get much to see complete set.

but those are definitely there

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Yeah, I saw that with new german paras. Classically torsos with different 10 camo patterns but only one helmet.

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ugh… ouchy.

you touched the sore point

paras have 0 customization.

just the same outfit in 8 different color variants of which 3 are similar if not the same.

but like, 6/7 of those have the wrong collar tabs because are from the HEER instad of the actual luftwaffes yellow tabs. just the tunic have some colors. otherwise no compatible pouches. and majority of those uniforms are locked for premium ( fair i guess )

a bit… cringy…

and yeah… literally only 3 ( 6, if we consider camo variants ) type of helmets.

not much…

i hope we will be able to put decals on helmets though… it would make them somewhat unique. i’d think.


Or at least make one generic para helm that would fit with all camo patterns.


well, those are there.

for each color variant that you see, there’s a helmet with the cover. ( except, not present in the selection of the base game… )

outside for the premium variant of the rider squad.

they use a paratrooper helmet with a relatively unique camouflage that has no torso that matches.

Are you kidding me? They already has textured helmet fitting other camo pattern, they just didn’t bother to add them?


you’d be surprised on how many cosmetics are not present in that list :frowning:


No comment lol.

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I mean the blue uniforms worn by Japanese Sailors, I would show but the forum won’t let me post images.

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You know nothing Jon Snow!

Lmao jokes beside: possible… :frowning:

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