Japanese premium apc: Ho-Ha lmg SCOPE

I haven’t bought it yet, as I’m waiting for the side lmgs to be functional.

However, what should ALSO be functional, is the lmg scope! Indeed, the installed type 97 lmgs have scopes, but are not usable… even with the front gunner:

Would be really a good idea to fix it at the same time as the side lmgs:


Ok seriously what the frick is the Japanese designation scheme? Everything’s either a Ho or a Chi or a insert sound of a pan being thrown down the stairs here
What do the different prefixes and suffixes mean?

Best not to get it form now
Should wait to check the evening APC which should be Type 1 Ho Ki with Type 92 mg.

Ho and Chi are letters in their alphabet. The only way I could explain it is that their letters are pre-made syllables.

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Yeah it makes sense that it’s Japanese…characters? That’s what their letters are called right?
My question is what determines what’s a Ho or what’s a Chi or what have you? What’s the difference between the prefixes? Then what’s the Hi or Ro or Ha after the prefix mean? Is it just numbers or letters going in order to denote variant like the A in our designation? Or something else entirely?

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I believe so.

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Literally the only one of these I’ve seen on any Japanese tank is “go” and that’s only on the Ha-Go
Edit: and the Chi-Ni


Ok so we got 2’s and 5’s
So why’s some of them randomly letters such as “ha?”

I don’t know.

I think this explains it clearly

IJN plane’s Allied codenames are also very systematic, can quickly understand what they do.


The camera view of the machine gun works the same way as with all other machine guns in the game, on tanks, armored personnel carriers. Personally, it’s convenient for me to drive a car and shoot without a sight, so you can see the road and the enemy

I mean to be able to use both.

Hold rmb? Use scope. Don’t use rmb? Use normal tank reticle.

Or use mouse scroll I guess, like optics work in tanks.

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This article sums up what all those silly sylables mean.


So Ho-Ri mean ninth gun tank hmm interesting

Im more curious how he can fire the gun if both hands hold the b+tt…


And holding it like he’s some innocent little girl.