Japanese Coastal Defenses

Ladies and Gentlemen feast your eyes on the many defenses the Japanese set up.

Special Series NO. 29, 1945


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Sea Wall

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Bomb shelters

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Pill Boxes

  • pill box
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Non-Concrete Installations

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Camouflaged Positions

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Now, who wants to see these defenses in Enlisted?


you know how those defenses were primarily countered by americans? by heavy naval bombardment. do you also want to implement that into the game?

also some of those are already implemented in the gameā€¦

At what point does the inclusion of Naval Bombardment have to do with map-making?

Show me where these are in the game.

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should i show you the cave in pacific map? or pillboxes?

you wont get dug in light tanks (at least not the one destroyed) and gun emplacements are decorative


Show me the artificial caves, living quarters, interconnected tunnels, and the field hospital.


Go ahead and show me these pillboxes in the game.

When have gun emplacements not been used as decorators? What is wrong with you?

sand pillbox=pillbox.

btw paste those images another 10 timesā€¦ ffs it just makes this topic unreadableā€¦

I already know this Iā€™m a cod waw player (if you play it then you know or battlefield too I guess)