Bro really went “Hmm, forget the 1000s of aircraft produced, let’s add more imaginary vehicles”.
I don’t think they were going for CAS parity, they were going for “here’s a bunch of new fighters to shoot down the P-47 spam with”
The typical payload mass was actually around 400 kg. It would only carry 800 kg for kamikaze missions. Besides that, it only has three rifle caliber defensive guns. Would fit better into BR III.
Pusher props?
Daring today, are we?
Did you just describe the Pe-2?
Sure, bombers that move like a tree will need more bombs yet to be worth the while. Though “flying a little cumbersome” on its own will lose much of its merit as a negative once we can control our plane gunners. Suddenly, you don’t need toi out-circle the enemy plane any longer. Let alone that most pilots do not even want to dogfight in the first place, they either want to spray their payload over the map for some exp or they’re on a revenge mission against the local tank.
I can see players of both Japan and USSR - both of which lack a high-BR plane with high quantities of ordnance - be very happy to see a medium/heavy bomber.
those are some awesome planes. Would be cool to get them as event or premium, I don’t know if any of these were ever built.
Yeah. I feel like the goal here is, your CAS will be no better than ours when we shoot it all down.
Pretty sure the only planes allies have that can compete with the new jap planes in the air are the spitfires and tempest
What would actually be cool is getting some more iconic Japanese aircraft. Japan produced a large variety of aircraft meaning we don’t have to resort to experimental projects.
Let’s go down the list:
Alternate history model, self-explanatory. -
Kyushu J7W
Two prototypes built. First test flight occurred three days before America donated two suns to the land of the rising sun. -
Mitsubishi J4M
Did not leave the drawing board. -
Mansyu Ki-98
First prototype destroyed before completion.
It also about what they were designed for. J7W for example was meant as a B-29 Interceptor. It would never dogfight very well. And not a lot of bomb options either.
On God
Theres lots more options for Japan before medium bombers. Im thinking:
Naval Aircraft:
A7M2 (High yield rockets)
B6N2 (x3 250Kg)
B7A2 (x4 60Kg x2 250Kg)
D4Y2 (x4 Small Rockets for anti-Inf x1 250Kg)
D4Y3 (x3 250Kg)
J5N1 (x2 30mm x2 20mm)
N1K2 J (x4 20mm and High yield rockets or x2 250Kg)
P1Y1 (x2 500Kg)
Army Aircraft:
Ki-43 III (x2 250Kg and extremely nimble)
Ki-44 II Otsu (x2 100kg and twin 40mm caseless cannons, basically 20 rockets, would absolutely shred infantry and light vehicles)
Ki-46 III Otsu (x2 20mm x2 37mm)
Ki-83 (x2 20mm x2 30mm x2 50Kg)
Ki-102 Otsu (57mm HE x2 20mm x4 100Kg/x2 250Kg/x1 500/800Kg)
Tell me again why we NEED the Ki-21? An early war medium bomber with mediocre bomload for its size.
disclaimer: idc about ki-21
btw the Ki-44 II Otsu is already in the files. but would be another fighter. i would guess they are thinking about adding it as premium.
still what’s missing are attacker planes. B7A is a clear choice, i’d give it a 800kg bomb as a gimmick. ki-49-II is renowned for its maneuverability and it’s lighter than the Me-410, a heavy fighter (ki-21 is lighter too). would only be interesting if given at least 2 drops of 250kg bombs (4x250kg).
honestly they should have given dual drops for the b5n, and i think it should have been the b6n.
ki-102 got my attention, but i checked and it has no loaded ordnance in wt. a heavy fighter with bombs would be nice. unfortunately the ki-45 with bombs is the one with useless angled cannons.
Unfortunately this innacuracy has not been corrected since it was reported and acknowledged by Gaijin years ago.
The Ki-102 is the only Attacker that Japan ever produced; every other thing is a dive bomber.
I’m hopeful that the need for a Japanese attacker will make DF/Gaijin revisit this topic, correct the record and fix the 102 otsu in both WT and E:R.