Japanese are impossible to play even post merge becuase of br 3

we all know how it works

we are asking for it to change, BR 3 should only be ± 1 rank instead of 2.


Dude I played a BR2 match with uptier BR5 in Stalingrad…

I’m not saying it’s outright impossible to catch a bug but personally in my 15 games post merge I’ve never been uptiered so much (but always uptiered +1).

If playing 4 match and 3 of them send me to BR5 when playing with BR2 gear… yeah I don’t think the system work but a placebo just to make people believe the game works lmao

Well in this case, its getting absurd at this moment, it is not at all wrong to think that literal Sherman Jumbo rolling into the Forest, against a Chi-Nu isnt fair, or even historically accurate, they should have anticipated this by limiting Japan to Br 3 or restricting the matchup to begin with if they included a Sherman Jumbo, all it has to do is sit at the back of the map, and nothing can hurt it, because even the picked japanese planes have shit payload.


if they just move up the brs of the german tech tree to better balance the battlefield in Normandy so that the american tree can be slightly altered to not screw over the japanese more than what is historically accurate

Well with the merge, historical accuracy is out the window when US got shit from Normandy right on the beaches fighting what is comparatively tanks made of paper mache, not to mention the severe lack of equipment in the Japanese tech tree, its just empty compared to other Armies

Yeah, you can’t play the historical accuracy card with Japan.

Sure, Jumbo in Pacific isn’t historically accurate… but neither is the Chi Nu.

Both tanks are appearing in a battle they weren’t used in.

It honestly sounds like you just want to screw over new players.

The disparity in US early war gear compared to Japan is insane. Anyone who played pacific when it first came out can tell you that.

The new players are already screwed the moment they pick Japan, you’re comparing what is essentially the most popular pick in the game to the least, and the merge has not been helping the situation that is the state of Japan vs US matches

At this point historical accuracy is no longer a valid argument. This game need balance between nations.


I mean… Are you sure about that? 75% of your BR2 matches hitting BR5?

I’m not about to tell you it’s not possible but based on my (limited) experience post-merge it seems a bit unlikely. You playing with friends (who may not realize they have a BR3 weapon on a tanker or something)?

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Solo queue, BR2 only, yet, got throw into BR4 and BR5 battles

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in br 5 and you can check my profile I didn’t lost yet a game, japan in br 5 is or a bot farm for a win easy to japs or a sweaty fight


Jumbo in Pacific?

Land-based fighters getting airspawn in Pacific but none for Japan?

HISTORY! right…

I was in no way defending those things, I was pointing out that you need fantasy weapons for Japan to have counters for superior American weapons. I also provided some basic options to give balance without fantasy weapons.

I really dislike that American planes get the advantage of air spawns in the Pacific, I don’t like it in any of the maps; it incentivises toxic gameplay like suicide bombing. Land based aircraft should take off from airfields.

I feel like for the most part, tanks aren’t as useful in the Pacific, and I haven’t seen any jumbos yet myself so for me the jumbo panic seems overblown. That’s not to say I’m in favor of keeping it in the Pacific.

They should downtier Japanese equipment and keep the Pacific locked to br3 or lower, or add more br levels to push the jumbo out of the Pacific matchmaking. I think there are better ways to balance tanks than to just introduce more powerful tanks, but I see that I’m in the minority there.

To balance Japan, just let them run all around the map without grey zones and fighting in night ,historically accurate too


Us must kill every person to win

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Not even BR3, I just dunked on the Japanese team with a Grant which is BR2 and didn’t die, or even lose a single squadmate, once the whole match. Came out first place with 5 tank kills. The 76mm on that thing will obliterate the Japanese with it’s HE shells and turn everything around it into Swiss cheese. It was so bad, that I don’t even want to use it next time I get put up against Japan because, even though they hit me several times, the armor on it kept me perfectly safe. Not even the MG got damaged.

Now, if they had used their very good planes to counter me, they could have killed me, but they didn’t field any which tells me that their team just didn’t have them unlocked or weren’t using them in their line-up

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i managed to kill a Grant in a japanese tank once, there was no penetrable spots except for the engine vent on the back of tank, so i shot the port maybe 15 times and his engine caught on fire, it would probably be easier to kill those tanks with planes but im just not as good with them as i am at tanks, and since i dont have premium slots i cant field a second vehicle, there is definitely alot of japanese players that have no clue whats going on, but also so many American players that just DO, really annoying to play

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M3s in pacific is virtually unstoppable. Nothing for Japanese under BR III can reliably damage it from the front, and if it stay in the grey zone it’s just invincible as it rules out AT rifles from sides, too.