Mind you the Ki-43-II is more of a tier 2 plane.
Ki-43-I Hei came in summer of 1941 (this is the version with 2x 12.7mm instead of 7.7’s)
Ki-43-IIa came in November 1942
Ki-43-IIb came in May 1943
Ki-43-II Kai came in roughly August 1943
Ki-43-III Ko came in May 1944
Performance wise and date wise, Ki-43-II Ko is a tier 2 aircraft.
A6M2 ------------------------------- Ki-43-II Ko
441kph at Sea Level ---------- 442kph at Sea Level
A6M2 ------------------------------- Ki-43-II Ko
3:02 to 3000m (WEP) ------- 2:54 to 3000m (WEP)