Japan Suggestions

Currently, I am maining the Japanese Campaign and getting bombarded with paratroopers even at low BR. Maybe we could have some paratroopers as well to even it out?

Additionally, the US are constantly spamming impact grenades on us. Could we have some too? If the Japanese never made impact grenades officially in combat, maybe do some background research and find out if they did anything experimental with stuff like that?

Finally, I have to focus on the war between the Russians and the Japanese in the early stage of the war when they were establishing spheres of influence. Since the Japanese are lacking in variety of factions to play against, maybe you could introduce more maps so that the USSR and the Japanese can play against each other in a new “campaign” if you will.


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Japan only has an event paratrooper squad that you can’t get anymore - unlike other factions which have para squads for purchase as well as event squads.
Impact nades: I don’t think is necessary, but yeah can be annoying.
USSR vs Japan would be very cool.


Funny that a tiny portion of the player base owns it. And we will never see it ever again.

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Technecly the only paras new players can get are T5 outside the soviet ones. But they them to be bugged, as they can smuggle T5 Equip (AVS-Sniper) into T1-3 battles.

not necessarily a counter but Japan has the option of adding poison gas grenades, I’ve suggested it before but by now it seems like we need them or they should give a BR to impact grenades because currently USSR and Japan lacks IG

[ as you can see they need to be carried on a case because they were made with glass to break uppon impact]

honestly I would also like to see early soviets against Japan that would be a nice change of pace but I wouldn’t count on it

Japan is dying worse now after the merge


What do you mean?

It’s living again. I’m playing Japan now, and we win most match at br 3. Most even matches so far.

And Japan still dominate the air, even with p51 or p38 or p40 around, which is surprising. Because most players disregard the true allies air predator due to it’s bomb less loadout: the Spitfire. (Although I DID down one in a dogfight yesterday).

But… yeah there’s the suicide p38 rockets… those are difficult to catch BEFORE they strike…


Technically on paper, Japan has one great “advantage” over it’s opponent because of the shit br system:

It’s safer being br 4 for Japan, maximum br, than it is for USA being tier 4. Because a USA player being tier 4 risks being flung into tier 5 battles against axis, which sucks… you won’t see many tier 4 USA players. They’ll skip to 5.

While Japan doesn’t have to worry about tier 5 for now. There’s bound to be more Japan tier 4 players once the player base catches up.

Br system is a failure.

That is not a bug but lazy dev not predicting that people will bring bring their new paras into low tier and that the crate would stay the same while you no longer can balance the crate by nerfing the BR of the weapon given to the squad into the ground.
But since it was sold as paid premium squad I am not sure if they want to fix that or just hope it doesnt get to toxic that axis players will quit.
If they change the squad and the box now it could be seen as a bait and swich tactic by those who bought it.

It will probably be switched when the event paras are unlocked. That is why I called it a “bug”. In my eyes it is a known oversight to have the paras OP in the beginning so people buy them and patch the “bug” later, when they become avaible through the event.

That’s cool, I guess I’ll reconsider the fact of paratroopers.

Impact grandes are simply cancer. Those things should have a br of 5.

I dont know the situation at north america server but in europe servers japan dominates hard

Only until to late evening, than number of Japanese players drastically reduces and it’s bery hard to win.

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That’s ridiculous, the US military in the Pacific already got British paratroopers, they had BSA
The Japanese paratroopers only had bolt-action rifles

In the same event, the US were rewarded with M1A1 Carbines. In fact, the Pacific paratroopers were the first paratroopers released in the game.

The Welguns didn’t show up until after another separate event.

Since the merge I haven’t seen the paratrooper squad with m1a1 carbine yet.

because the m1 carbine in general is seen as an awful gun by most of the people here in addition to it being an event squad meaning people really aren’t going to run it