Pacific American players are the most Cancerous players, nothing but Sherman spam and whatever plane has M8 rockets and 500 pound bombs
Since I started playing this faction, my team is filled with noobs that counter Sherman spam with Ta-Ses and Its a nightmare, There’s nothing we can do, no matter how many rally points I build, my team cannot flood the point hard and fast enough to stop the enemy from capturing it, we get pushed back 5 times in less than 15 minutes.
So what’s the solution? Well for one change the default tank for Japan to something that can kill a Sherman through the front so noobs can kill the Sherman. Also make so whenever a noob unlocks a new squad it automaticly comes with an Engineer and Assaulter so they aren’t completely outguned for the first few months playing the game.
Now you’re probably going to severely disagree with what i just said so I should probably remind you that this new generation of the world has a very damaged attention span and patience, they will quit if things dont go their way.
Finally i think that Japan should be temporary limited to BR-3, their grand copy should be BR-3 its literary a Gewehr 41 with slightly more damage, the only thing they have worth of BR-4 is the Tokyo Arsenal M1927 which even struggles due to its long reload time for having a excessive fire rate.
Other guns are also completey unbalanced, the Type 1 Smg has insane horizontal recoil and has extremely low Damage per Second for a BR-3 Smg, it needs its horizontal recoil cut in half and have its damage adjusted to the same level as the Type 100. There should also be a 30 Round Type 1 Smg for everyone to have.
Now ill never complain about German mains again, they’re saints compared to American mains because at least most German mains dont know how to use planes or support their tanks with infantry.
Update 2:
After 15 matches playing as Japan, only 1 victory, this is completley unacceptable, Im currently messing with the crossplay settings and servers to try to establish a bot farm, ill post an update in this regard if I find a breakthrough.
Other than that Its a nightmare filled with bugs, 1 out of 4 of my bayonet charges and lunges dont even hit the enemy, I run through at least a quarter of the enemies that I charge with bayonets like they’re ghosts.