Japan should not go to rank 5

As a user who has played Japan, I know for sure that Japan should not go to rank 5
The reasons are as follows

1. a poor tank

These two tanks are currently Japan’s highest rank equipment
The na-to is a tank without a turret, and because it is an open tower, it is vulnerable to destruction and lacks penetration, so it cannot penetrate American tanks
The chi-nu has turrets, but it lacks penetration, so it can only penetrate a portion of Sherman’s facade

And there are only a limited number of Japanese tanks that can be added later

These 3 tanks can be added to Japan (at least as far as I know)
But chi-to and chi-ri 2 lack penetration, so they can’t penetrate America’s jumbosherman or Pershing
The ho-ri has no turrets, so it’s less versatile and isn’t suitable for the Pacific (And it didn’t even exist.)
Japanese tanks also lag behind American tanks because they lack protection

On the other hand, if you look at American tanks

American tanks can easily defeat Japanese tanks, and the armor of American tanks cannot penetrate all Japanese tanks except ho-ri

As a result, American tanks are overwhelmingly superior to Japanese tanks, so Japan is no match for them

2. a poor anti-tank
Japan’s anti-tank is very weak
The current anti-tank weapons that Japan has are type-4 rocket launcher and type-5 rocket launcher

The type-4 rocket launcher has a low penetration force of 80 mm, making it very difficult to penetrate Sherman from the front

The type-5 rocket launcher has a slightly high penetration force of 100mm, but it is impossible to aim precisely because there is no sight

Also, 100mm of penetration is too small to deal with American tanks

Unfortunately, Japan has few other anti-tank weapons except for the two aforementioned anti-tank weapons
That means that Japan can’t defeat American tanks from a distance unless they use CAS by aircraft
This is a very serious problem and it will create a serious gap in Japan compared to the United States

Other parts (aircraft, weapons, etc.) can be supplemented, but when it comes to tanks, Japan can’t be supplemented, and anti-tank weapons are not strong
Japan lags behind the U.S. in the anti-tank range, which is fatal to the game. Eventually, Japan will be far behind the U.S
This is already being seen despite Japan meeting the U.S. up to 4th rank

My suggestion is that Japan should not match more than 5 ranks
As I said earlier, Japan is no match for the United States above rank five. There are no infantry units, no aircraft, no tanks beyond the United States
So, as it is now, Japan should only meet up to rank 4 (or rank 3)
If the above is not resolved, Japan’s inferiority is clear and we can already see this
Japan should not go to rank 5 unless it adds good anti-tank weapons or tanks to deal with the United States


If the Japanese army wants to add BR5, it will be a 100% fictional army, using fictional or non-mass-produced weapons.
In any case, this is too frustrating. Just like World of Warships, players want to experience the famous vehicles in World War II history but end up with a bunch of fictional vehicles that have never been seen or even built.

Moreover, DF did not do a good job in balancing the Pacific campaign in BR4. Instead of expanding BR5, it is better to do a good job in BR4. A large number of players in the US army were diverted to Europe, and the weapons of the Japanese army are full of various imbalances. When will DF solve them? In the end, everyone has a reason to complain

Perhaps it would be wiser to add higher level Japanese troops in future cold wars
If DF intends to do


2 tanks can be added to help and one mechanic first tanks Chi-ha LG and chi-se I made a post and there I talked about chi-se you can check it out but TDLR chi-se is up-armored and bigger and sloped armor chi-ri with the same canon as Ho-ri (never existed only in paper) and chi-ha LG they just put a naval canon on top of chi-ha but adding chi-ha LG wouldn’t do anything cause we don’t have overpressure mechanic if we had that chi-ha short gun would have been perfect counter for Sherman jumbo it has 2.6KG worth of TNT in its round and it cant even overpressure stuarts but I agree japan should not go to BR 5 also lack of small arms doesn’t help on my original post I couldn’t find a SF(select fire) rifle for Japan and had to give them captured SIG KE 7s


I hope Japan joins BR5 ASAP because I’m tired of farming Germans, it’s time to add new bot farms for the yanks!

As for the BR5 Japanese, I wish them all fine. Anyway, I will never play it. No one with a normal sense will play it. I don’t want to be meat of the P47, beaufighter, and F4U, nor do I want to be meat of US impact grenade spammers.

I wanna see Japanese Tiger in the tech tree at least.


I think those tanks dont exist in WT and if it doesnt exist in WT, it surely wont exist in Enlisted.

Sadly chi ha long gun exists in war thunder but that tank is fully exposed and will be totally useless in enlisted.

I was more thinking of the Chi Se and the 10.5cm Chi Ri he linked to.
Though it didnt know the Flak Ripoff exist. But pretty sure the most open tank in the entire game will help.

No one with common sense other than the “I love me challenge” people will use that crappy tank.

I think it will take a long time for this phenomenon to appear due to the current player base.

my Japanese win rate is 90%, but when play US, couldn’t beat Japan a single battle for two weeks.

Chi-ha LG is in war thunder, chi-se isn’t which I hope devs of enlisted take time to model and add it but unfortunately they will not and without overpressure mechanics Chi-ha LG will not be useful

Chi-se is the 10.5 chi-ri

In fact there was a program at the tail end of ww2 to arm chi-ri with 8.8 cm

type 99 88 mm aa-gun. It was designed in the late 1930th from a german naval gun (8.8cm/45 SK C/30) . Around 750 were built and used on the Japanese islands only. In 1945 it was planned to develop a 88 mm tank gun from this weapon for the type 5 tank Chi-Ri.

I agree
how about NOT try to force a country that cannot compete in br5 in any shape or form ?

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its spaag
not a tank

In war thunder chi ha long gun is a tank destroyer not a SPAA. And I don’t want chi ha long gun in enlisted.

i am going to be honest here, it’s the same velocity as the m1 bazooka, so if you can aim with that then you can aim with the tube

Compare to the type 4 it’s a little bit harder to aim with type 5. Specially if someone gets used to type 4 rocket launcher.

Japan should stop at BR3 - and US BR4 and BR5 should never be matched against Japan, period.