Japan needs gear



Quite a few of the weapons in this image actually appear in the game, so if you are making a suggestion, it would be better to list specifically what you would like to add rather than just posting an image.



ko type


the bottom one is probably in the game already

The Kawanishi N1K1-J


Photo credit: US Navy

The Kawanishi N1K, the best Japanese fighter to have seen service with the Imperial Japanese Navy, has a bizarre origin story. Originally intended to be a floatplane fighter, a land-based version was developed by the Kawanishi Company in 1941 as a private venture that was independent of the Japanese military.

In 1943, the Japanese navy finally threw its weight behind the aircraft because the military’s existing fighters could not stand up to newer American designs. The Kawanishi aircraft was quickly rushed into service in 1944.

Initially, the design of the aircraft and an underpowered engine created various limitations, especially during landings when the long landing gear could snap off. Maintenance issues also abounded.

However, the N1K1-J, an improved version of the fighter with shorter landing gear and upgraded engines, proved to be a fearsome fighter. In a dogfight against 12 American Hellcat fighters, one Japanese pilot shot down four US planes without being shot down himself.

Other Japanese pilots also found that they were now more than a match for American fighters. However, the aircraft was produced in too few numbers to affect the outcome of the war.

6The Ki-83


Photo credit: US Army

The Ki-83 was derived from a Japanese attempt to design the Ki-73, a long-range, single-engine fighter aircraft. When that attempt failed miserably, the Ki-73 design team turned toward a more conventional twin-engine design in 1943.

The first flight in November 1944 immediately proved that the team had a good aircraft with excellent handling and maneuverability. The aircraft was designed with an impressive armament of four cannons in the nose, enough to shred any Allied aircraft.

Unfortunately, the Allied bombing of the Japanese homeland meant that the Ki-83 never became operational. Continual Allied attacks interrupted flight-testing and destroyed three prototypes.

When Japan surrendered, the Americans were surprised to find the aircraft because they had no intelligence on it. When tested with high-grade American aviation fuel, the Ki-83 reportedly reached a top speed of 760 kilometers per hour (470 mph), had an extremely fast climb rate, and was surprisingly maneuverable for an aircraft of its size. The surviving prototypes were taken to the US for testing and then scrapped.

5The Kyushu J7W


Photo via Wikimedia

The Kyushu J7W was probably one of the most bizarre military vehicles ever conceived and built by Imperial Japan. It was also the only canard-equipped aircraft ever accepted for mass production during World War II.

The J7W was originally designed as a jet-powered fighter, but the lack of suitable engines forced its conversion into a propeller aircraft. Smaller prototypes were flown in 1943 and showed a lot of promise. As a result, Japan began working on a full-scale prototype in 1944.

In desperation, the Japanese ordered the aircraft into production before the full-scale prototype had been tested. They needed the fighter to defend against B-29 raids on the Japanese home islands.

However, the Allied bombing of Japan caused critical delays in the production and delivery of parts for the J7W. So the first prototype ended up flying a mere six days before the war ended.

There were a variety of issues during the 45-minute test flight, including potentially damaging vibrations. Given time, none of these issues were insurmountable. But there was no time before the war ended.

The first J7W prototype ended up in the US for flight-testing. But curiously, there is no record that American test pilots ever flew the aircraft.

is a Chinese knock off of a gun in the game

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