Japan Events

thanks :>

No problem

More and more, the Japanese army in the game is evolving into something people have never seen before. :thinking:

you know the Japanese A6M2 Reisen “Zero” has a quicker turn speed it does have a slower max speed but in return turns quicker and climbs quite quick. and it has decent firepower two 20mm cannons, 2 7.7mm Mgs and 2 60kg bombs.

welp, I know a lot of stuff for share who many on this forum don’t know, I am a japan army and italian army lover/nerd, I know many weird stuff who many wouldn’t believe it existed or even used, but it did, not like the actual tank we have who wasn’t even build or the soviet AS :>

how did this thread turn into japan op dont ever give them events

I agree that japan is lacking in the small events department


The only disadvantages of Japanese aircraft are that almost all of them need to take off and they have very few bombs.
Not so bad in other ways

I know this. Just me taking a crack at noob jap pilots. Im not saying not everyone dosent know how to fly or anything, there has been some “scary” pilots out there.

i mean in the test server jap are getting 2 new MG so maybe they are getting event or something

thanks, someone with head here

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welp now that i take a look it seem to be BP and TT

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I know both, holy shit…the SIG KE7 and the Hotchkiss M1922


We got pistols XD
they look nice and shiny. that’s it. Japan does NOT need an event

how many stuff in all the time this game have they give to americans, soviets and german, then compare to the tank, the plane, the paras and the rifleman squad, say that again, japan NEED events soldiers, event weapons, it’s an insult to the japan player base

I actually prefer the type 100 late over the tokyo


The Japan player base is doing just fine, just look at the win rate statistics

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Well now American cry babies are going to cry about it.

sure go cry about your most likely TT T20

I agree. I recently got a Tokyo Arsenal, but I continue to use Type 100.
I would rather have a real weapon than a fictional one, at least one that was actually used.

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