Japan and America SMG balance suggestion

Lol since when did dev ever considered to recreating the Japanese army?
The Japan faction already have a bunch of prototype on its release and you are complaining the new Tokyo arsenal being a prototype and acting like having prototype for Japan is something new, very funny.

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You speak as if I suddenly went crazy over Tokyo Arsenal, but this is not the first time I have complained about prototype weapons.

The game is supposed to be based on history. I don’t expect them to be perfectly HA, and I don’t blame them for some “gaming exaggeration”, but the games are becoming more and more fantastical. Perhaps there will be an endless amount of fantasy in the future, which is what I am complaining about this time.
It’s like coffee with too much milk in it, and the coffee is becoming more and more like milk itself.
It is this game that is forgetting that it is coffee that I am.

The truth is Japan faction is never meant to be coffee, it is already milk at the start.
They didn’t even bother to pretend Japanese to be historical, they straight away gave a bunch of prototype at the start.

I do have a lot of complaints about the Pacific campaign. I have grievances that have been building up for a year.
But 100% of it stems from DF’s stupid updates and inaction
In fact, if the Japanese army gets the Chi-Nu II, maybe the tank disadvantage will not be so big, at least I won’t complain about the Jumbo
After that, you only need to add some IJA aircraft that do not need to take off from the aircraft carrier, and add impact grenades, and then the Pacific campaign will become more balanced, at least everyone is on the same starting line
But do you see what they updated? Na-To, what the hell is that? Neither historical nor game-balanced
Also I don’t think you seem to have found a suitable submachine gun for the US military? I recommend you to use M21/28, she is a good gun from Tunisia, I also carried it when fighting the Germans in BR5
The M1 and M1A1 suck and I don’t recommend using them
In addition, the Johnson LMG is an absolutely excellent weapon if you can adapt to her recoil.

Coffee is a bitter and acidic drink, an ‘acquired’ taste that people are shamed into pretending they like. When you add milk and sugar you hide the bitterness and start to get a drink that’s more appealing to a wider audience.

The sweet milky Japanese are more appealing to the player base than your bitter specialty historically accurate Japanese army loved by aficionados.

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OK, let’s see how Milky the Japanese army in this game can be. :nerd_face:

what movie is that? i like trash movies and black japanese soldier seems like peak trash content :stuck_out_tongue:

This man is the pilot of the Flying Tigers in the Chinese TV show â€œéŁžè™Žé˜Ÿć€§è„æ•‘â€.
He is chased by Japanese soldiers after his plane is shot down, but he manages to infiltrate a Japanese Army squad by taking their clothes.

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i know that i will get laugh one way or the other. this is peak comedy content.

If you want to see more black Japanese soldiers,I recommend “African Kang Fu Nazis”, a German film in which Hitler and Tojo, exiled in Ghana, Africa, reunite the Japanese nazi army and are defeated by Ghanaians who have mastered kung fu.

[quote=“Overlander57, post:25, topic:134242”]
[/quote] no it’s not