My Part 2 Suggestion for Japan New Tech Tree
Br 1.
Premium Squad Murata Rifle Type 13

Arisaka Type 30 Rifle

Arisaka Type 30 Carbine
Arisaka Type 44

Arisaka Type 35 Rifle

Premium Squad or Part of New Squad for Japanese Faction
Japanese Marines or Japanese Navy Special Landing Forces.
Sailor Uniform
Regular Japanese Uniform

I’m all for this, because most of the Japanese BR 1 rifles are trash. And it helps fill the tree in some. Japan has a serious lack of premium squads, well a lack of everything. BR 5 is held up by a single rifle, a LMG, and a few other things. They should have worked on the rest of the tree before letting them go BR 5.
These suggestions are all good rifles, now we just need some BR 1 planes and tanks, the Murata shotgun conversation (bolt action single fire shotgun) and a few more SMGs. For BR 1 to be completed if these got added along side them.
Then it’s on to BR2 and above…
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Based on my Experience playing Br 1 to 2 is the best option for Japan faction when I play as Br 1, I almost 8 wins than playing Br 2 to 5.
Most of US Allied Players plays Br 2 or 5 that’s why Darkflow must fix the Game system if the Is only for Br 1 and mix with Br 2 only Br 1 and 2 only not to extend in to 3 or same to Br 2 to 3 and etc.
As a whole I do not recommend play Br 2 to 5 for Japan for a meanwhile.
Those rifle should be all worse than the type 38, they was already outdated during the ww1 compared to the kar98A and Enfield p14/1917 for do a comparison
On the other side Japanese haven’t anymore interesting equipment to add… For infantry at last… So maybe those rifle should be foldered under the type(I) (?) at least for avoid research Tons of side grade
Japes still “suffering” I see!