Jagdpanzer VI Jagdtiger Response to the Japanese HO-RI

Ah yes this One the super pershing

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well, time period wise KV tanks should be BR1, while Tiger tanks should be BR3, so HA should not be applied in every aspect.

Give me the T29/T34 and I don’t mind if they add even the Maus
Spersh is shite, fuck that thing

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I was more meaning that Tiger is a leap from KV-1 in power. Nothing similiar in the Heavy class (thats not prototypes)…as far as I know (you get the captured KV 1 in warthunder)

I mean theres the KV-1(dont know exact mark since I was talking about captured and refitted german one, with a cupola and german 75.)
Or you could go for a captured B1 bis maybe? not quite KV-1 equal, but it would make more sense for it to fight both western and eastern fronts.
I mean the pz3 N is already a mini KV, less all round armour sure, and a more situational gun, but also at a br lower.

As for the Jagdtiger, I think its best to leave it out until everyone both has a counter and equivalent vehicle. The Tortoise and T95/T28(since its the same vehicle, one name was just used after the other) come to mind for the western allies. As for the soviets its a bit more of a struggle because there is a bit of a gap in the super heavy casemate design here. Like I did think of the obj 268 but thats far past the end of the war as opposed to the other designs mentioned.

Its also worth mentioning that the Ho-Ri is a semi opened topped vehicle so the Jagdtiger is a major step up from it just for that reason.

Anyhow I think there is other vehicles Id rather see added first. Maybe the Churchill 1, because that would be a really nice BR3 vehicle, maybe even BR2 depending on how the hull mounted howitzer performs. The B1 as mentioned above, and honestly some of the other early war french tanks as they would make for a nice event vehicle for both the germans and western allies. Though honestly I still want to see allied APHE before anything else gets added, at least on BR3+ vehicles.

well, Jagdpanzer IV L48 has 60mm of armor right now, that one could sit in BR3 and be a german heavy basically

I sorta have trouble thinking a Tank destroyer to be the equal opposite of a heavy tank. I tend to look for the same class

But maybe

i mean yea, the roles arent the same - however Jagdpanzer IV L48 has actually a decent MG, so 60mm angled vs 75mm almost flat isnt a massive difference in protection but their anti infantry power is just a bit in favor to the KV1, however one thing has to be said, KV1 biggest problem is that it is worthless in BR4, while German 7.5 gun can somewhat decently play even in BR5.

So to speak KV1 is already balanced as in you roll being OP or useless.

Im happy with asymmetry…

Kv 1 doesnt need an opposite. So if there isnt a suitable opposite, im happy for it to just be that way. Keeps some unique things for each faction (motivation to play)

So whats the best soviet ww 2 TD? ISU 122s or ISU 152? Id just go with that

Historically speaking SU 100 - but it kinda suffers bad post pen damage and somewhat lacks penetration in Enlisted, just like 17 pounder and other excellent anti tank guns.

That being said - ISU 152 had so much explosive power that it regularly took out Tigers and Panthers even without any penetration. Overpressure is real.

I imagine they will have the added bonus of the heavy MG mount that the jagtider or elephant wont have(bit of making up for armour difference)

ISU absolutely should have that, otherwise it would be pointless - however since “hopefully” Jagdtiger never gets added, thus the Elefant would be a reasonable addition → which unlike its earlier “Ferdinant” version actually has a MG.

So top mounted heavy MG - vs secure radio operator MG seems fair enough.

Also Ferdinant isnt going to be OP at all, since it “should” have rather obvious weakspots.

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Personaly i think any of these large heavy tank destroyers are way over rated (for enlisted). Fixed gun, slow, Long reloads and still insta gibbed by usual suspects

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Well I strongly suggest not to add more doom turtles to the game cuz you will be surprised Soviets have more options then the Germans:

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Hehe dont think i want any. But if it did head that way (lets face it probably will)…germany would get the one up on jets instead

that thing is just as much an option as Landkreuzer Ratte

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I don’t know why people think jets will be good try playing Ki-84 and you will notice how fast the engine overheats then imagine playing a WW 2 Jet let me tell you they wont even need to shoot you down you will crash on your own most of the times. Jets in WW 2 where proto jets and in Enlisted you cant repair them and if you get a single scratch you will feel it so Jets in general are not a good idea not to mention how bad they are in low altitude battles also the soviets have jet options but it really doesn’t matter cuz majority of battles are in low altitude in enlisted and later they will be topics fix Me 262 but they will be nothing to fix cuz they will be very hard to fly with limited fuel overheating all the time and hard to control and very bad in low altitude so your only chance will be booming and zooming…

sadly its Gaijin game never forget that …

Time will tell, but i reckon you would be suprised. Me 262s handle decently in warthunder (and since its ported over i can see them being decently annoying)

As far as i know soviets had no jets ww 2. They didnt get any until post ww 2 when they recieved a 262 as war spoils.

One of the forum members found a design for one (rocket)that was never made as anything more than a test glider ( i forget the name)

But anyway. Time will tell

Soviets had Jets before even the Germans but Stalin decided he don’t need jets but the Soviet WW 2 Jet is in war thunder. Yes time will tell but let me tell you don’t touch the tank balance at the moment or the plane balance the Axis are in a good spot if we put something beyond what we have right now you will regret the outcome trust me… all we need is a bit better bombs on what we have