I've completed the grind, so ask questions

Everything is pumped, except maybe some sniper or mortar squads (but that’s the cancer of this game)

17 million free experience

Bought out the best weapons for the gold bid, which are no longer on sale

USSR fully assembled sets 2/3/5 with maximum stats for each fighter: + best pistol, melee weapons, flask, backpack, etc.

Germany fully assembled sets 1/2/3/5 with maximum stats for each fighter: + best pistol, melee weapon, flask, backpack, etc.

USA fully assembled kits 3/5 with maximum stats for each fighter: + best pistol, melee weapon, flask, backpack, etc.

Japan fully assembled sets 3/5 with maximum stats for each fighter: + best pistol, melee weapon, flask, backpack, etc.

Many fighters in reserve, tons of weapons including for gold bids

A couple of premium units, everything else from the events and pumping

My only regret is that I didn’t buy MG45 when I had the chance.

Been playing for 3 years and like I said, I prefer regular squads/invents > premium.

Ask any question’s

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What’s next for you? Disneyland?



There are no Disneylands in my country :skull:

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When are you getting a job?

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I’m already getting paid money while I’m playing at work xD


I might stir up a wasp nest, but it is a genuine question regardless of what your stand is on the topic.

There are quite the number of people often advocating for the Soviet Body armor % dmg reduction being negligible in-game yet I see that you yourself are using it as a cosmetic on an Assaulter squad no less, meaning you had to go the extra distance to buy it for them. So was the reason purely cosmetical or a clear usage of a game feature to gain the % dmg reduction advantage?

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It’s a good question and on point, I’ll answer it this way: There have been heated arguments about armor on the boards. There was published dataminer data, which confirms that a small chance of survival still give, as well as some headgear (not all). According to my feelings armor vests do give resistance from submachine gun bullets, grenade fragments not from rifle or assault rifle, I think I can’t publish it here. As far as I understand the ENG section of the forum is quite strict on any publications. However, the seeker finds it :slight_smile:

After 6000+ battles, what can you say about human/player behaviour?. I am sure you found patterns

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it basically decreases effective range for most rifles/smg by 20-60m before needing extra bullet to down.

effectiveness will always be subject to discussion cause it is not useful in all situations, but it still gives edge over people not wearing armor.


The average player is a sub-par player playing for himself and for fun with no goal of winning. He is a sniper/pilot/mortar/ tanker in the gray zone. Stormtroopers are scarce.
The strongest player I’ve seen in terms of shooting is Krivoi_d, in some ways it’s become a meme that he’s a cheater :slight_smile: (actually he’s just good and uses several squads with auto rifles, for it’s meta).

To understand, just go to 1-3 br, take an average player, watch a replay and realize how dumb your allies are. Who don’t realize what they are doing. And in many ways that’s the trouble with the game. On average in the six months since the updates, there are fewer bots than there were at the beginning. Cheaters were active in the April “beta release” steam. And good thing I managed to ban a couple of them, through discord directly throwing a request or creating a thread on the forum. I think with the availability of “magic” part of the people running with radar very good vision, waiting for banhammer.
I don’t know if you got the answer you were expecting, I hope you did.

Not sure if you’re familiar with the meme, but it’s like a saying, “Now that you’ve won the lottery, what are you going to do?” and the person says, “I’m going to Disneyland!” or if they win the superbowl or whatever. :slight_smile:

I'm going to Disney World! - Wikipedia!

Serious question though - now that you’ve gotten all the incentives you can get except future items - do you still feel the incentive to play?

For instance,for me, I play a lot of RPGs and MMOs, and when I get to the end of the “story” - I generally don’t get a huge urge to replay the game until a lot of time passes.

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Why not? I have obtained the best equipment, so that I can enjoy the game when I want to play, instead of constantly striving to obtain a certain equipment.Competitive games are more like playing chess with opponents. You will play the game because you want to defeat opponents, rather than just to obtain equipment.

By the way, my gaming time is only slightly less than his.

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Thanks for the explanation of the meme.

Yes, now I’m deprived of thinking about upgrades, I don’t think about what to buy and just play at low BR, helping seasonal losers in one faction or another. It’s like completing the main story and starting side quest’s, and the sheer company of players, every day someone calls to play. It’s like Battlefield, you unlock all the guns, get 140 eagle and play for fun

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