It's not been a bad year | Complete summary of what's been done so far

Some ppl might feel a bit upset/disappointed that nothing really happened lately. Sometimes I get that feeling myself. It’s easy to forget things and keep track of what’s been added/changed etc. So I wanted to get a picture of what actually been done in the last 8-9 months (post-merge).

If we ignore the weaponry added to the tech tree, regular events, visual effects, physics, crucial bug fixes, and UI changes.

Here’s a (complete) list of the most important changes/add-ons to the game

QoL improvements

  • Rework of allied weapons with aperture sights
  • Improvements of bipods
    -weapons are now more stable and move more smoothly. Corrected angles of positioning on window sills.
  • Improving the recoil calculation formula
    -making recoil more predictable
  • Rework (nerf) of Impact Grenades
  • Rework of old maps
    -Adding more covers etc.
  • Rework of Anti-aircraft guns.
    -AA no longer overheats
    -The elevation angle changes have been reverted
  • Movement in stairs and jumps
    -Soldiers now descend steep stairs and jump from heights up to a meter high more smoothly, losing control of their weapons less often.


  • Improved the behavior of AI soldiers
    -AI will try to spread out in the dug trenches, rather than grouping.
    -AI soldiers have learned to climb ladders
    -AI soldiers have learned to to handle heavy weapons
    -AI soldiers movement looks now more human-like
    -AI soldiers have learned to reload their weapons while running
    -AI soldiers have learned to strafe while shooting, crawl to a safe place to heal.
    -AI soldiers now react better to markers. Soldiers in the player’s squad prefer player’s markers over markers of their teammates.
    -AI squad commanders will now build rally points in more locations on all maps

New features/add-ons

  • Introducing a new vehicle/class: APCs
  • Added official support for sound modifications
  • Added controllable tail gunners
  • Added new optics for tanks/AT Guns
  • Enhanced repair system of tanks
    -the ability to repair modules from inside the vehicle)
  • Improved postures for tank commanders
  • Improved tank customization
  • Added Rzhev battlefield
  • Introducing “Rocket artillery” and “Drop a supply crate”


  • BR changes to over 30 weapons according to feedback from players
  • Tweaking the paratroopers’ supply crate according to BR
  • Big rework of matchmaking
    -new “soft rule”: if there are enough players in the queue, matches with a narrower BR spread can be created: BR 1-2, 2-3, 3-4, 4-5. In other words, we are doubling the accuracy of matchmaking!
  • Conquest/Confrontation mode improvements
    -Increased the length of the conquest game mode
    -Reduced the number of reinforcement points received for capturing a point in “Confrontation” mode


  • April fool event: Operation Breaking Dead
  • Release on Steam (x2 :wink: )
  • Special slot for premium squads
  • Added the ability to purchase additional squad slots without an active premium account.

And last but not least (the most important change of them all):

  • Changes to the progression/economy
    -Adding a “join-any-faction”-feature


All things considered: it’s not been a bad year IMO. Sure, everything they added wasn’t asked for or necessary. Still a solid post-merge update package.
A lot of stuff here was implemented after suggestions/feedback from the player base. Which we surely are happy about. I’m looking forward to second half of this year!


The years still isn’t ended, there is still time for something else who maybe is going surprise us, and don’t forget the usual Christmas event


I agree, definitely better than the previous year. I really hated the constant rushed updates with plenty of bugs after each release.

This year is a huge step in the right direction. They truly do care about QoL changes, bug fixes, not rushing the things, feedback from community… and so on.


Well yes, but

  • Bipods are still wonky, though better than before
  • Map reworks were closer to tiny changes than a true rework
  • AI behavior has been updated countless times, but is still not great
  • APC premium/event squads were added, tech tree only got basic vehicles, no armor or mg
  • Tail gunners are hit or miss, depending on vehicle tail gunner isn’t even controllable/available still, AI gunners hardly shoot now compared to before
  • Improved tank customization, for those willing to pay for it, no f2p options still
  • Rzhev hardly a “battlefield”, only a single map that you can only play on half of
  • Rocket artillery, for those who got the event squad or paid for it with premium squad, not in tech tree
  • Initial steam release was one of the decisions of all time

But on the other hand

  • New recoil changes are very nice
  • AA gun rework makes it much easier for teams to counter plane spam
  • new stair movement looks much better compared to previous
  • Sound mods are great
  • New optics initially controversial, I think they’ve improved a bit and are fine now
  • new tank repair is neat and makes sense
  • Br changes huge and much needed, matchmaking better with something closer to +/-1 BR
  • April fools event was very fun, hope to see more PvE content
  • Followup steam release handled much better than previous
  • Premium slot is nice to have
  • Conquest being longer doesn’t make me what to play it more, but good that rewards are better
  • Upcoming economy changes will make many things cheaper and easier to get for new players

Both good and not so good changes, with more to come. Would like to see more tech tree content instead of constant FOMO event unique squads/vehicles


I also think there were a ton of good improvements

Its a way better, more fun game imo.

I always wonder about what will come. Next.

And imo, never disappointed me so far since 2020.


It’s easy to essentially forget these changes after a while so it’s nice to step back and appreciate the big picture. A lot of these changes are very nice!


Oh yeah the devs absolutely delivered this year - so many topics that people asked about non stop got actually addressed.

Insanely good work guys.

I honestly have high hopes for German MGs actually getting bigger belts soon.


I want to draw a correlation here:

Look at so many of the additions and changes made - and both in their announcement and in the response, a lot of it has been “based on player feedback”.

Obviously, this is a touchy thing - Devs have to be careful not to respond to just people who whine on forums, but hearing enough about specific complaints that can result in better gameplay.

The correlation - is to Baldur’s Gate 3. It won numerous game of the year awards (to say nothing bout the crazy amount of cash for it’s developer, Larian). It was in Open Access for YEARS, but their key point they and their fans make is that - they also listened to their players. They made massive changes while development that they otherwise would not have made - and it wouldn’t be the overwhelming success it is today if they hadn’t. (The game still averages over 67k players TODAY, a year after launch of an RPG! And that’s just on Steam, not counting consoles, GoG, etc. It puts it at the #12 game on Steam right now. Interestingly, WT is #11. :wink: )

Thanks Darkflow for listening to your players. I’ve only been around since May and even in that short time have been able to see distinct improvement. That’s amazing!

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And dont forget

No more train escort

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the best thing you do in this year.

May i know whether remove permanently.or just renew and remove temporarily?
