It's clear the premium APC are meant for combat so how about we do something else with the free APC

Make them something like logistics support or make it so when soldiers respond from them they have a Buff like food or some type of special aid from that truck like supplies or food.

Anyone else is free to think of what we can do with these trucks or expand this topic


i had the same idea.

halftrucks should have been more for logistical / support.
( / other vehicles, not necessarely halftracks )

like, the rally point is cool,

but i would like versions for:

  • ammunitions ( perhaps infinite? with cooldowns on heavy weapons to avoid spam )

  • medical to heal infantries infinitely and provide additional medkits

  • piooner ( for filling engineers with resrouches points to build enough defenses etc ) with perhaps additional mines?

literally anything that you can think of, and could be beneficial to the team.

especially since engies and medics for some reasons are very rare on lower brs as well as mid brs.


I can’t exactly remember where but somewhere in the mod editor there is other aid items in the game like some sort of combat drugs or something but they have no use at the current moment so maybe we can use it here or something for some sort of effect.

Trucks have been added, now we need to add the “rob caravans” function


eh… personally,

food seems excessive.

and i’m sort of against " speed bonuses " / efficiency abilities like royals or what have you.

i rather have phisical stuff that somewhat makes sense like ammo trucks, medical halftracks, and piooners stuff to replenish on the get go around the cap point.

for some co-op too.

like, can be done through mods, shouldn’t be hard to be made in the base game.

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The trucks should provide following: Medkits, shrapnel grenades with cooldown, ammo, engineer resources, flasks, mines(?)

well, maybe not a jack of all trades ,but specialization would be better with upside and downsides to work better with teammates.

at least i’d think.

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If you can actually reload flasks from that we may as well add the other combat drugs as well

Exactly that’s what I was somewhat thinking so you need to choose which loadout you want to go into battle with you either want to be a supply truck or a medical truck or an ammo truck

Just put a 20 use ammo crate (with it gaining a charge every 10 seconds or so) on its back and/or allow tanks to slowly rearm their ammo if nearby and the trucks could have a niece.

Flasks are not op or anything. They just give you bit more stamina

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That is true but the combat drugs will just give you passive side effects like healing or more stamina


my answer: a new branch for the APC in where they get more and more br like 3,4 and they get armor and guns, example for japan, the Ha Ho

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I think it be cool to see something like one of these guys added


They would be fun to see. I just dont know if darkflow has balls to add drugs in their game

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We already do have drugs in the game cause what do you think is in that flask because it’s not water

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Lol those premium half track apc are only br2, now you want tech tree apc to be br3,4?


“Spawn protection”

yes, because they exist more powerful versions who we could consider see in the game and the only way I see able to add them it’s making them appear in higher br, where is my japana Ha Ho?, for example, why they give us a thing who a mere rifle can blow in few shoots?, at least with what I say, the free players can have a chance of have an armored one who can protect themselves and can survive a bit longer

Lol, just give them the same br which is br2.