Italians and British soldiers

Hello my friends and fellow compatriots.

I ask that the ability to recruit/enlist BRITISH and ITALIAN soldiers would be implemented.

Goto the soldier enlist tab/menu—> scroll/bumper slide to the type/category of troop to enlist—> click/tap on the soldier and see the level of soldiers. 1-3&4 Pilot, MG, Radio etc—> tap the soldier level desired—> tap another button to rotate between US & British (if applicable) or German & Italian.

Why would the devs not take advantage of this? Why are Italians and British soldiers not allowed to be added to the current game?

They were possible to enlist prior to the merge, yet now it’s unavoidable and unavailable?

With the new BR “MM” system, I want to play LOW BR Axis and Allies, yet I am not able to pick British or Italians (Tunisia squads) to finish my squads that I unlocked but never filled. It’s VERY disappointing and upsetting that the devs are either ignoring us as players who have asked and requested this to be resolved, or they are willfully denying suggestions such as this because they are lazy. I doubt they are lazy but it cannot be ruled out. I hope I’m wrong in saying that.

Solution. Add British and Italian soldiers back into the game for new enlistment.

Thank you for your time reading this. Have a wonderful day.
Best regards,



we seriously need this, i am trying to run Italian stuff and it is super annoying how i can’t buy rifleman, and i have to be stuck with MG 1 and Engineer 1. Same with the british is feel so wrong to have Lee Enfields and British uniforms but American voice lines.


They need to add every squad type and soldier


What for British and Italians ?

Factions are named “USA” and “Germany”, not “Western Allies” and “Germany + Italy”.

Aesthetic and (at least perceived) authenticity reasons.
We have squads that initially start with Italian/British troops, yet the game does not provide the option to recruit more of them.


Yes that needs to be changed. It should be possible to recruit them now. There is zero reason why it is not possible.

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Then they should add a sub folder and/or rename the faction then. It should be possible to recruit and enlist Italian and British troops.


Yes I agree! Thanks for the comment! :muscle::sunglasses::call_me_hand:

I agree 110%. That’s currently my predicament. It’s absurd that they have so MUCH British and Italian gear, vehicles and equipment yet NO corresponding squads/soldiers to fulfill their duties and roles.

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Im 100% in agreement. I have to hold on to all my old italian soldiers because if I sell them I will never get italians back. I want to run all Italian line up but I cant!

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I have enough Italians for a rifle squad. :frowning: