While not game breaking, it would be a nice addition to see those squads with the grey green uniform and turtle shell looking helmets rather than looking like Germans. On top of this i believe there should also be more soft cap options for all existing nations with the theatre specific colors/ camo. I know this is just me being nitpicking, but it would be nice to have in game for those that like it.
The clothing system of this game does need to be supplemented and remade. Taking the Battle of Berlin as an example: through historical photos, we can see that the German army is heavily equipped with coats.
but the clothing page of the Berlin Battle in the game does not have any options for the M40 coat. Interestingly, the M40 coats of other winter battles have the Volkssturm badge, which is very inappropriate. The M40 coat should be included in the Battle of Berlin, and wearing a coat in Germany’s climate is not unreasonable. The Volkssturm mark in other battles should also be removed.
I just want grey uniforms for germany. Why is the grey tunic only available for normandy assaulters and guerillas? Why is green, brown, blue and even purple mor common than grey?
on the another hand its important to have MORE volkssturm armband in berlin
I agree, And as far as I know, that ‘armband’ is an independent component. In editing mode, you can add it to soldiers from any country. Colonel McDonald’s’s video mentioned future updates to the clothing system, and I hope they can see this. The lack of coats and Volkssturm armbands in Berlin was a mistake.
The M44 field suit should not be that color,Grey is the most common color, but only guerrilla and MP18 teams can use it.
Also medic squads get grey m44 in certain campaigns
100% support this
can you give me the link? thanks in advance