It would be nice if we could use the tanks that we already own in War Thunder

I know that 95% of tanks that are in War Thunder are not present in Enlisted but those that are present in both games it would be nice if owners of them in War Thunder could have them also in Enlisted for free or reduced research/silver price
since both are gaijin games to it would be nice if they can be just some how transfered

Also maybe War Thunder camouflages?


More vehicles from WT are guaranteed to come.

But Enlisted is a different client, meaning that every model needs to be imported and adjusted, I don’t think it’s a mere ctrl-C ctrl-V affair.


Besides, asking for that while bearing a Maus PFP doesn’t quite sound reassuring…


How even is that supossed to work? If you play the german tree for a an hour or 2 you get the PZ4 e and premium aswell?
Idk why we should be rewarded for not playing the game in the first place just because they share the same publisher. Are we entiteled to crossout vehicle aswell bacause still gaijin?

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sure do love unlocking a leviathan and use it in normal matches over enlisted. :joy:

man, can you imagine what a shit show would be laser weapons? or,

wait for it,

h o v e r s

You probably missed the warhammer 40k collaboration in world of tank where you can unlock and use forever a leman russ

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They should give me my Calliope i ain’t paying for it again in Enlisted.


I must say, if one could dream, it would be nice for sure :smiley:
or i could put it another way, and say, i got 4y + 2.5k AU invested there :stuck_out_tongue:
And i have, all the Italian tank tree, all the way to the top, mostly spaded :stuck_out_tongue:
And so much more :sob: so i do agree with OP , would be nice :smiley:

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Light armoreds
Self propelleds
List goes on


It’s a good idea that
But it would also cause maintenance, petrol, diesel, ammo, and even bvvd to be added to Enlisted, crippling revenue and squeezing players.


Id be laughing if they gave me all the vehicles/planes I have in warthunder!!!

…id also need new pants


this is ONLY what they would have to give me :joy: :joy: :joy:

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Just combine the two games…


damn son. more than me…??..?? (maybe not quite, pretty close)

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