Continuing the discussion from Preliminary patch notes of update (February 14):
Continuing the discussion from Preliminary patch notes of update (February 14):
This pleases the Emperor!
lol - gonna just mean you only have half as many shells that are useful now - 37mm HE is rubbish, 37mm AP can at least kill tanks!
You are better off trying to use the japanese tank machineguns!
You still have 60 APHE shells, and the HE shells are capable of killing infantry. If nothing else the high RoF turns the tanks in to rolling flashbang dispensers.
Also, this means that you can grab a kill with the cannon while waiting for the MG reload.
they didn’t give him HE shells
I kinda agree with Josephs_Piano, a 37mm HE is a bit tricky to use, but it works! @Josephs_Piano
You should directly hit enemy soldiers for the explosion to hit other soldiers, hitting a nearby object doesn’t do as much damage as it’s further away.
It’s still a welcome QoL addition
However, I believe if we could change the number of shells we bring to the battle, this could have been more pleasant/useful.
37mm HE shells are so shit that you still need direct hit to kill infantry making them almost no different than APHE.
They do not require a direct hit. They have a very small blast radius, but they do have one.
Also, the HE does amusing things to open-topped vehicles
Mfers will see this shit and pretend to celebrate whilst going back to spamming HE frag shells with their HO-I
Hey, I’mma be over here spamming Ha-Go for no other reason than it’s only borderline useless now, rather than completely useless.
That shit is so ass. Imagine using a “tank” whose armor is so bad that it gets penned by a tank’s HE frag rounds, not even AP. The HE frag round which all have single digit numbers of pen. That is some clown tier nonsense.
Makes it all the more fun to get kills with.
blast radius that is useful only if you hit directly at enemy soldier, otherwise it gets eaten by most of the surfaces in pacific(earth and wood). even if it hits soldier chances are very low that another soldier will be in blast/fragmentation radius of that hit. that is why HE is more or less same as APHE on low caliber guns.
It’s a small improvement, but it’s an improvement, and having played a round with it; I like it. There was no reason NOT to add it. There was no way any of the tanks were going to live long enough to use 120 rounds of APHE, anyway.
Indeed - however the expectations of people that HE is going to be some sort of game changer for those tanks are wildly over optimistic.
Speaking for myself; I hold no such expectations. Nor, thinking back on the posts for others who have advocated this change, does anyone of which I am personally aware.
The arguments were always “why not?”, “those cannons historically actually had those rounds”, and “it would allow them to engage infantry to some effect rather than none”.