Is this true?

So I was checking whether my soldiers were British or American in the practice range, and I noticed something.

All Machine Gunner 1s (i bought post merge) seem to have a British voice.

All AT Gunner 1s (i bought post merge) also seem to have a British voice.

Then I realized that both of the respective squads were British. So does buying Machine Gunners or AT Gunner 1s assure you get the British soldier?

I want to know so I can avoid them, because Iā€™m american and prefer the american voice lines.


America joined the war late, makes good sense

I think the issue stems from the mixed squads that initially came out with equally mixed British and US weapons in the Normandy campaign.
This aspect of the game is still messed up, since the MG gunner 1 was part of a British squad and eventually morphed into a US Squad as MG gunner 2.
They never really cleaned it up for Tunisia and now its a shit show in reverse. Most of my Italian squads morph into German squads with Italian names if I appear on the Stalingrad map, despite there being Italian troops in that Campaign writ large.
So they will have to keep working on the Campaign de-coupling for a while yet, not just from a cosmetic perspective but also from auto-generated names and voice over perspective.

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