Is this really the case?

Do people in countries like the Netherlands always get max perk soldiers while they purchase it in-game? I have heard that in those countries gambling is prohibited in a big way. Thus, the game cannot sell you non-max perk soldiers which you have to keep rolling and re-rolling again. Is this really the case? What happens if one uses a VPN to connect to a Netherlands server and purchase a soldier? Does their account get banned? I wonder whether the odds of getting something good from the upcoming loot boxes will also be higher for the players from the Netherlands.

It was a thing that Dutch (and Belgian?) players would not get soldiers with random max numbers but fixed (amd better) numbers.
Was exploited to hell by Winnie-Pooh players so they removed it.

Get a ban probably.


No. Not anymore.
I live in the Netherlands and lootboxes in games are illegal here.
I guess that means that I cant get a random soldier level, only fixed.
So when I purchase a soldier, the game lets me choose.
“Purchase anyway” will give me the lowest possible level.
“I am not from the Netherlands” will give me random level.
Of course I usually select “I am not from the Netherlands”.
But it seems that every soldier I get is the lowest level (except for gold order ones).

Before this, I believe for a short while the soldier would always receive max or high level.
But I’m not sure and it was fixed since then.

Edit: I remember now. Players would exploit this and use VPN to pretend to be from the Netherlands to receive max level soldiers all the time.
Thanks to them I now only get crappy soldier levels?? :laughing:

BTW I wonder what will be done with the veteran box (I believe it’s also a random thing maybe, I dont know).


In the older order, Belgians also did not get lootboxes but always got stock weapons.


Nah, they still get random perk points

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Yeah it used to be a thing. Should’ve seen the mass influx of people with Asian names posting complaints on the forum about it when DF finally fixed the exploit. Stuff was hilarious seeing all of them come out of the woodwork like they did. Good riddance for that stupid exploit


Based noncompliance with stupid federal laws


ik kom uit nederland, nou ja Twente en knal gewoon op purchase anyway , de tering met die regels. Nergens last van.

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Ja ik zag eerder al een paar keer jouw naam voorbijkomen, ik dacht die moet uit NL komen.
Ik ontken altijd uit NL te komen om zo een random level te krijgen maar meestal krijg ik maar 1 ster.
Zowel bij soldaten als bij wapens.

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