So i in every match i usually get like 30-50 kills while only losing 4-5 squads 1/2 if i am playing the snipers class right, But sometimes i would get 20 kills while losing 8 squads this didn’t happen very often so i take it as a Bad luck.
However i noticed that my skill seems to be lagging behind in every recent match no matter which campaign i played i lose 6-16 squads while only having 30-45 kills at first i take it as a bad luck but it happened so much that it was either me or the game, my team is usually compromised of 5 new players, 3 average joes (me) and two pro’s.
The enemy team however i can always see atleast 5 to 7 players getting like 40-60 kills (especially in tunisia) while only losing 3-4 sometimes 0 squads (does not apply to all members of the enemy team) so with that being said do enlisted has quietly inserting a skill based match making?.
in my most recent match i saw literal players pushing us back while we are attacking i saw them destroying rally points no matter how far away or hidden it is they always seems to find them every enemy that i encounter are level 10 and premium dudes with fully automatic weapons (this is in Moscow btw).
in the Pacific, Berlin and Stalingrad its mostly balanced sometimes I lose and sometimes i win, while skill based match making is unclear because not everyone in both team is cranking kills i always saw atleat 3 players on both sides with low kill counts, However sometimes i am was one of those 3 players does that mean something do you Experience the same thing.
It’s the global warming. Everyone gets sweaty.
As much as possible avoid playing on weekends if you can play on weekdays. Weekends can be extremely sweaty to play everywhere.
Weekend + an event going on is even worse
There is no SBMM, just skill issue.
Is it because they fixed the matchmaking bug of new players, now we are playing players who are not new to the game… Moscow is very sweaty, Berlin too, in fact as you say all campaigns, now feeling more competitive
These matches both played on weekends. 1st is on a Saturday and 2nd is on a Sunday.
Its either matches on weekends are full of sweatlords or full of noobs and casual players.
While the sniper class isn’t intended to be a super high kill count squad, my guess is that you actually AREN’t using it correctly. Your sniper nests should be in areas that you can pick them off when they stop in otherwise hard to hit areas, such as trenches.
Guard towers, hilltops, rooftops, etc, make use of them. Just because you can see “a lot of enemies” running through an area doesn’t mean you are able to kill them all. Make the shots more effective by hitting stationary targets, or switch up your class.
The MG squads can be quite effective.
Even that seems pretty low to me for Tunisia.
What I recommend for you is that you level up your engineer squad and AT squads, get access to the AT field guns, get some binoculars (to figure out your sightlines) and set the cannons up. The HE shells from those are going to be FAR more effective than a sniper rifle, plus you can eliminate tanks with them.
Direct fire support is what will get you what you are looking for.
Get a tank. I find that 75mm HE is very effective against clusters of infantry, and if you do it right you can get 100+ kills
Bruh, tbf, 30~50 kills per 4~6 dead squad is kinda suboptimal…