Is this a technology tree bug or am I missing something?

The main problem I have is that I have STG44 unlocked, but I can’t buy it. So the answer is that I must unlock all previous guns for it to be unlocked, right? But here is the thing, I have multiple guns and vehicles that don’t have previous guns unlocked yet I can still buy them no problem. In regards to STG44, the gun before it MP43 I can buy no problem, even though the gun previous to MP43 is not unlocked. So is this some kind of bug or am I missing something.
Here are screenshots below

Did you unlock the MP43 pre-merge? It could be that.

Either way, you’ll need to finish the Kiraly and MKb before the StG will unlock, IIRC.


you unlocked mp43 premerge, researched stg44 post merge. requirement for anything researched postmerge is having all preceding mandatory tech researched. so you must research all things that have red line(from this picture beretta m38/42, kiraly, mkb 42)

I think I unlocked it pre mergre.

Are those the only ones I need to unlock? I will send another screenshot.
Becuase I don’t want to unlock an entire line.

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Yup, those should be the only two. :slight_smile:

nope… he needs to unlock beretta, kiraly and mkb at least and probably few others in preceding line.

you will have to unlock whole line… well at least mandatory guns(not foldered ones).

Oh yeah, I didn’t spot that one. Haven’t got my glasses with me. :smiley:

Here is more pictures. Do I need to unlock everything in that line?

Here is more pictures. Do I need to unlock everything in that line?

You need the Beretta, Kiraly, and MKb.

you need to research:

  • beretta m38a
  • mp38
  • beretta m1
  • beretta m38/42
  • kiraly
  • mkb

all lines towards newly researched weapon need to be green before you can buy them unless you unlocked them premerge.

It is not enough to have the entire line researched, you must buy them.

At least it less worst than me when I was grinding the hole line for tank for the tiger E when I possess the panter g

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Don’t worry, I’ve done it myself… :smiley:

Then it kinda isn’t worth it. After all mp43 is almost the same as stg 44.

Well the other guy said that there are more guns that need to be unlocked, and if that is the case it isn’t worth it, I would have done if it was only those three guns.

Just unlock them, then pick the ones that suit you best. That’s what I tend to do.

Remember, it’s a F2P game, so the grind is inevitable. I’m just thankful that the grind is way easier than it used to be.

well if you are thinking of playing BR5 i would suggest mandatory unlock of fg42 II and tiger II(H). cause you already have mp43, grinding 500k for stg44 currently isnt worth it