November 4. In the 200MB update, the original logos of the two regiments↓
were replaced with new images↓.
These two corps↑↑ are from the British and American camps_Original Pacific Campaign_Rank 3 Assaulter corp and the British and American camps_Original Pacific Campaign_Rank 1 flamethrower corp.
In the November 5th update, they replaced the new files with the old ones.
They replaced the above picture with the one below.
Then, in the second update on November 6th.The developer uploaded new images again.
They replaced the above picture with the one below, again!
On November 7, players will still lose the Statue of Liberty and the stars if they turn off soft mode in the client.
Why did it happen? Think for yourself.
This post will probably be shut down quickly, like the previous ones.
But this is the truth.