Is this a currently known bug?

On Xbox Series X for the USSR, my radio operator field upgrade does not allow me to use the “ammo support” or “smoke artillery” option, with radio operators in other squads. Was just checking if this has already been identified as an issue or not, otherwise It should probably be forwarded to the devs.

Honestly I thought that was just a feature, I didnt even realise I was meant to be able to call in smoke and arty on my other squads with that upgrade.

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From what I know, you are not supposed to. Just like the reduction of cooldown doesn’t work outside of radio squad.

Yes, that is what that particular squad upgrade does… I know that much at least, because it works for all of the other armies that I have the perk for. It’s just not working(at least for me) for the USSR for some unknown reason.

LOL I had the same exact same problem shortly ago.
I posted a topic which holds the answer from devs but I guess you didnt find it.
It’s not a bug and the solution is very easy (I felt really stupid :grin:).

On your pic, you have the feature unlocked in the tab Personnel upgrades that allows radiomen in different squads to use smoke, airraids and ammo drop. That is good.

But to actually use those features, you need to unlock them in the tab for Squad upgrades.
This makes perfect sense in hindsight: if your radiosquad cant use the features, neither can radiomen in different squads.
Since airraids and ammo drop are useless to me, I didnt bother to unlock them.

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It in the blue tree that you unlock smoke and ammo for radio

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Yeah! I guess I should’ve probably checked that… Thanks, lol.

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I should have jumped in earlier on this, so apologies. But yeah, you need to focus on the squad upgrades, not the soldier upgrades. :slight_smile:

Closing as resolved.
