Is there a way to change this?

is there a way to change the radio operator cool-down time in the editor?


click " ToolBox " on the top right corner,
and then click " devmode ".

from there, you will be able to call artillery without cooldowns.

and if you want to modify how many times can be called or active per team:

press tab. look for your faction team, and edit the second parameter:

( you’ll have to click the blue folder to open the options )

but in order to apply the changes you’ll have to save and restart

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But the soldier’s artillery call cooldown is not changed. It only works in the editor but not in game

And how do I make it so that a player in a zombie mod can revive himself with a first-aid kit?

because that’s what op asked.

how to do it in the EDITOR.

no idea.

perhaps @Gamer_Victorch knows.

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Yes you can check out my codes on my drive.
You can find the link to the files on any of my mod pages or my forum page (id:142288)

Open entities.blk (any one of them have the same code), and search for “enlisted_visible_base_soldier”.
The code is well labelled as i have tested with each option. So you can modify accordingly